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[英]IE9 console gives no clues about js errors

I need some advices about IE9 console. 我需要有关IE9控制台的一些建议。 I'm pretty comfortable with firebug or webkit console, and I get a lot of advices from them, syntax error, undefined errors, and so on. 我对Firebug或Webkit控制台非常满意,并且从它们那里得到了很多建议,语法错误,未定义的错误等等。

trying to get info from IE9 console is like talking to a wall. 尝试从IE9控制台获取信息就像在墙上聊天。 My page should contains some errors, it's clear to me, but I can't fix them because I don't know what's going on in his head. 我的页面上应该包含一些错误,这对我来说很明显,但是我无法解决这些错误,因为我不知道他的脑袋里正在发生什么。

The same pages returns few or no error in FF, Webkit or Opera. 相同的页面在FF,Webkit或Opera中返回很少或没有错误。 On IE is a mess, sometimes it works, sometimes not, if I start profiling it works 80% of the time, the remain 20% is broken. 在IE上是一团糟,有时会起作用,有时会不起作用,如果我开始分析它在80%的时间中都起作用,则其余20%会损坏。 There's no difference in console when is working as expected and when is not, in both case I have no errors, and console is void, empty, painful clean. 控制台在按预期方式工作时与没有按预期方式工作时没有区别,在两种情况下我都没有错误,并且控制台是空的,空的,痛苦的清洁。

What's the best pattern to debug javascript on IE? 在IE上调试JavaScript的最佳模式是什么?

You could use Firebug Lite. 您可以使用Firebug Lite。 The bookmarklet is very useful. 小书签非常有用。 http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite

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