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[英]Python remove last character of string if its a letter

How do I remove the last character of a string if its a letter. 如何删除字符串的最后一个字母(如果是字母)。

eg if I had the following strings. 例如,如果我有以下字符串。

my_string = 'ABC 1.1 A'
my_string2 = 'ABC 1.1 B'
my_string3 = 'DEF 1'

I would want my_string = 'ABC 1.1' , my_string2 = 'ABC 1.1' , and my_strin3 = 'DEF 1' 我想要my_string = 'ABC 1.1'my_string2 = 'ABC 1.1'my_strin3 = 'DEF 1'

These strings are generated from DB so it would not be a manual process. 这些字符串是从数据库生成的,因此它不是手动过程。

You can use str.rstrip() : 您可以使用str.rstrip()

import string
my_string = my_string.rstrip(string.ascii_letters + string.whitespace)

This will remove all letters and whitespace characters from the end of the string. 这将从字符串末尾删除所有字母和空格字符。

try this: 尝试这个:

import string
if my_string[-1] in string.ascii_letters:
    my_string = my_string[0:-1].strip()

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