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[英]How to use zcat with regex in perl?

I have compressed .gz files that I want to open by using: 我已经压缩了要使用的.gz文件:

./open.pl file.gz

Basically my goal is to only print out certain lines in the zip file that match my regex...The files are big so I just want to output to stdout for now...How would I do this? 基本上我的目标是只在zip文件中打印出与我的正则表达式匹配的某些行...文件很大,所以我现在只想输出到stdout ...我该怎么做? I was thinking somethig like: 我在想这样的东西:

  zcat $_ | <my regex> ????

Also I'm not sure about the syntax for printing lines out that match regex.. 另外,我不确定用于打印与正则表达式匹配的行的语法。

Here's how I've done similar 这是我做类似的事情

open( $handle, "zcat $ARGV[0]|" ) or die("Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!");
while( <$handle> ) {
if( /regex_pattern/ ) {
   print $_;

I doubt zcat will operate correctly on newline-separated chunks of a gzipped stream. 我怀疑zcat是否可以在gzip压缩流的换行符分隔的块上正确运行。 Instead, you'll want to uncompress the stream as you read it. 相反,您将需要在读取流时解压缩流。 There are at least a couple of ways to do it: 至少有两种方法可以做到:

foreach my $argv (@ARGV) {
    open my $gz, "zcat $argv |";
    while (<$gz>) {
        # now $_ is an uncompressed line from the file $argv
        print if /my pattern/;

There's probably a solution using the :gz IO layer, too, but I can't quite get that correct right now. 也可能有一个使用:gz IO层的解决方案,但是我现在还不能完全正确。

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