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[英]ASP.Net Membership principalpermission issues

I'm running into an issue with the PrinciplePermissionAttribute causing exceptions. 我遇到了导致异常的PrinciplePermissionAttribute的问题。 Any pages where I have the attribute on the Load method throw an exception immediately after initial login. 我在Load方法上具有属性的任何页面在初始登录后立即抛出异常。

<PrincipalePermission(SecurityAction.Demand, role:="Level1")> _
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub

This throws the exception Request for principal permission failed . 这会抛出异常Request for principal permission failed

If I remove this the page loads fine and I can navigate to another page that does have this same attribute and it works flawlessly. 如果我删除它,页面加载正常,我可以导航到另一个具有相同属性的页面,它可以完美地工作。 Also if I use the Membership systems Roles.IsUserInRole() function I do not have an issue. 此外,如果我使用Membership系统Roles.IsUserInRole()函数,我没有问题。

I have noticed that after initial login that my Thread.CurrentPrincipal is of type GenericPrincipal and not the RolePrincipal . 我注意到在初次登录后我的Thread.CurrentPrincipalGenericPrincipal类型而不是RolePrincipal Subsequent requests show the correct type in place of the generic. 后续请求显示正确的类型以代替泛型。 I tried to force this in the Global.asax file in the PostAuthenticate event but asp.net seems to be setting the GenericPrincipal after this happens. 我试图在PostAuthenticate事件中的Global.asax文件中强制执行此操作但是asp.net似乎在发生这种情况后设置了GenericPrincipal

Any ideas on how to fix this behavior or am I stuck using the Roles.IsUserInRole() method? 有关如何解决此问题的任何想法,还是我使用Roles.IsUserInRole()方法?

After finding some explanation into whats happening in the pipeline here I can see why changing it in the Global.asax didn't help. 在找到对管道中发生的事情的一些解释后我可以看到为什么在Global.asax更改它没有帮助。 I had a prototype project from earlier that I tested this with and I could not reproduce it there. 我之前有一个原型项目,我测试了它,我无法在那里重现它。 I do wonder if it has anything to do with the project type. 我想知道它是否与项目类型有关。 The prototype is a Web Site project and the problematic one is a Web Application project. 原型是一个Web站点项目,有问题的是Web应用程序项目。

I do think its odd that the GenericPrincipal is changed to the RolePrincipal but only after the initial request has processed. 我确实认为GenericPrincipal更改为RolePrincipal但仅在初始请求处理完毕后才是奇怪的。 So its hard to say that its not working its like it just doesn't happen before my 'Page_Load' executes. 所以很难说它不能正常工作只是在我的'Page_Load'执行之前不会发生。

I think you are using Forms authentication... 我认为你正在使用Forms身份验证...

PrincipalPermission attribute checks Thread.CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalPermission属性检查Thread.CurrentPrincipal。 Roles.IsUserInRole() checks HttpContext.Current.User. Roles.IsUserInRole()检查HttpContext.Current.User。 So if they are different you can correct this in Global.asax file at Application_AuthenticateRequest event. 因此,如果它们不同,您可以在Application_AuthenticateRequest事件中的Global.asax文件中更正此问题。

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