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Java NullPointerException在构造函数的类中

[英]Java NullPointerException In the constructor's class

I have made a Java class where I have defined a constructor and some methods but I get a NullPointer Exception, and I don't know how I could fix It. 我做了一个Java类,其中定义了一个构造函数和一些方法,但是却收到NullPointer异常,而且我不知道如何解决它。

public class Job {

    String idJob;
    int time;
    int timeRun;
    Job j1;

    List<Job> startBeforeStart;
    List<Job> restricted;

    Job(String idJob, int time){


    public boolean isRestricted() {
        return restricted.size() != 0;

    public void startsBeforeStartOf(Job job){

    public void startsAfterStartOf(Job job){

    public void checkRestrictions(){

        if (!isRestricted()){
            Iterator<Job> itR = restricted.iterator();
                 Job j1 = itR.next();
                 else {

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return obj instanceof Job && ((Job) obj).idJob.equals(idJob);

     public void run() {


PS Looking in a forum a user says that to fix the error I should make an ArrayList inside the constructor (without modify the received parameters that should remain String id and int time ), but I haven't understand what He mean. PS在论坛上看到一个用户说,要解决该错误,我应该在构造函数内创建一个ArrayList(而不修改接收的参数,这些参数应保持String idint time ),但我不明白他的意思。

You are not creating an instrance of List<Job> for both the lists startBeforeStart and restricted - you only declare a variable, which is assigned with a null pointer. 您不会同时为列表startBeforeStartrestricted List<Job>创建List<Job>startBeforeStart -您仅声明一个变量,该变量分配startBeforeStart指针。

Thus, whenever you try to access this List [for example: return restricted.size() != 0; 因此,每当您尝试访问此List [例如: return restricted.size() != 0; ] - you are trying to dereference a null pointer - which causes your NPE. ]-您正试图取消引用空指针-这会导致您的NPE。

You should create an instance of the List - using the new operator [probably in the constructor]. 您应该使用new运算符[可能在构造函数中]创建List的实例。

Have a look at ArrayList and LinkedList and chose which is better for you. 看一下ArrayListLinkedList然后选择哪个更适合您。

For example, if you use to use an ArrayList for both, your c'tor should be something like: 例如,如果您过去都使用ArrayList ,则您的c'tor应该类似于:

Job(String idJob, int time){
    startBeforeStart = new ArrayList<Job>();
    restricted= new ArrayList<Job>();


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