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[英]JavaScript compression that preserves public methods?

I'm trying to minimize a library that I've created. 我正在尝试最小化我创建的库。 Unfortunately, because I started developing the library several years ago, it does not use any standard way of declaring methods and private properties. 不幸的是,因为几年前我开始开发该库,所以它没有使用任何标准的方法和私有属性声明方式。 Basically, my code looks like: 基本上,我的代码如下所示:

/** @class Sample abstract class. */
myname.space.AbstractClass = function() {

    /** Sample protected property A
      * @private
    this.longNameProtectedPropertyA = 10;

    /** Sample protected property B
      * @private
    this.longNameProtectedPropertyB = 20;

/** Sample public method A.
  * @methodOf myname.space.AbstractClass#
myname.space.AbstractClass.prototype.publicMethodA = function() {
    return this.longNamePrivatePropertyA;

/** Sample public method B.
  * @methodOf myname.space.AbstractClass#
myname.space.AbstractClass.prototype.publicMethodB = function() {
    return this.longNamePrivatePropertyB;

/** @class Sample concrete class.
  * @extends myname.space.AbstractClass
myname.space.ConcreteClass = function() {


    /** Sample protected property C.
      * @protected
    this.longNameProtectedPropertyC = 30;

/** Overrides publicMethodB of the base class.
  * @methodOf myname.space.ConcreteClass# */
myname.space.ConcreteClass.prototype.publicMethodB = function() {
    return this.longNameProtectedPropertyC * this.longNameProtectedPropertyB;

In such a long example I tried to show the coding style that I use. 在这么长的示例中,我试图显示我使用的编码样式。 I realize that today, it is non-standard. 我意识到今天,这是非标准的。 But my library is already written like that and it works perfectly. 但是我的库已经这样写了,并且运行良好。

Now my problem is that I want to minify the code. 现在我的问题是我想缩小代码。 What I need is to compress the long names of private properties, but I need to preserve the names of public methods. 我需要压缩私有属性的长名称,但是我需要保留公共方法的名称。

I've tried the YUI compressor and Google's Closure compiler. 我尝试了YUI压缩器和Google的Closure编译器。 Neither worked as I needed. 都没有按我的需要工作。 Either both private properties' and public methods' names were obfuscated, or none of them were. 私有属性和公共方法的名称都被混淆,或者都不被混淆。

Is there a way how to do that? 有办法吗? I'm ready to spend long time by annotating hundreds of my methods/properties if it would help. 我准备花很长时间通过注释数百个方法/属性来帮助您。 Is there some minifier that could help me? 有没有可以帮助我的缩小器?

You could try rewriting, before minimisation, with associative syntax, eg : 您可以在最小化之前尝试使用关联语法进行重写,例如:

myname.space.AbstractClass.prototype['publicMethodA'] = function() {
    return this.longNamePrivatePropertyA;

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