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在ASP.NET MVC 3中,如何在Create()视图中使用Razor语法获得模型?

[英]In ASP.NET MVC 3, how do I get at the model using Razor Syntax in a Create() View?

How do I grab the data in my textarea and stuff it in my model? 如何获取文本区域中的数据并将其填充到模型中?

I'm in a Create() View, and I want to access the model, to put the contents of a 我在Create()视图中,我想访问模型,以将


into one of the model's properties, the Content property in this case. 放入模型的属性之一(本例中为Content属性)。

namespace TestTinyMCE.Models {
  public class TestBlog {
    public int TestBlogId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public DateTime PostedOn { get; set; }
    public string Tags { get; set; }

    public string Content { get; set; }

I can't use TextAreaFor as I'm accepting HTML markup (bold, italic, and so on). 我接受HTML标记(粗体,斜体等)时无法使用TextAreaFor。 I'm using TinyMCE on my textarea if that matters. 如果重要的话,我在我的文本区域上使用TinyMCE。

I tried hooking the submit event via JQuery's .submit API: 我试图通过JQuery的.submit API钩住Submit事件:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {
      theme: "advanced",
      mode: "textareas"

    $('#contentEditor').submit(function () {
      alert('Handler for .submit() called.');
      return false;

but while the .submit() occurred in $(document).ready, the handler itself never fires off. 但是.submit()出现在$(document).ready中时,处理程序本身从未触发。

and here's my textarea: 这是我的文本区域:

<div class="editor-field">
  <textarea id="contentEditor" name="contentEditor"></textarea>

I can't use TextAreaFor as I'm accepting HTML markup (bold, italic, and so on). 我接受HTML标记(粗体,斜体等)时无法使用TextAreaFor。 I'm using TinyMCE on my textarea if that matters. 如果重要的话,我在我的文本区域上使用TinyMCE。

Wrong. 错误。

TextAreaFor() emits a normal <textarea> just like your; TextAreaFor()会像您一样发出普通的<textarea> you can still hook up TinyMCE to it. 您仍然可以将TinyMCE连接到它。

Your actual problem is that <textarea> s don't fire submit events. 您的实际问题是<textarea>不会触发submit事件。
You need to handle the <form> 's submit event. 您需要处理<form>submit事件。

However, you don't actually need to do that at all. 但是,您实际上根本不需要这样做。

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