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[英]php library that can merge stylesheet with inline style

I am working with html document generated from Micrsoft Word 2007/2010. 我正在使用从Micrsoft Word 2007/2010生成的html文档。 Besides generating incredibly dirty html, word also has the tendency of using both block and inline style. 除了生成令人难以置信的脏HTML之外,单词还具有使用块和内联样式的趋势。 I am looking for a php library would merge block into already existing inline style element. 我正在寻找一个PHP库将块合并到已经存在的内联样式元素。

Edit The goal is to construct a html block preserve the original formatting and editable in WYSIWYG editor like tinyMCE 编辑目标是构建一个html块保留原始格式,并在WYSIWYG编辑器中编辑,如tinyMCE


If the original html is: 如果原始的html是:

    .normaltext {color:black;font-weight:normal;font-size:10pt}
    .important {color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:11pt}
    <p class="normaltext" style="font-family:arial">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
In ut erat id dui mollis faucibus. Mauris eu neque et eros tempus placerat. 
<span class="important">Nam in purus nisi</span>, vitae dictum ligula. 
Morbi mattis eros eget diam vulputate imperdiet. 
<span class="important" style="color:green">Integer</span> a metus eros. 
Sed iaculis porta imperdiet.

Should become: 应该成为:

    <p style="font-family:arial;color:black;font-weight:normal;font-size:10pt">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
    In ut erat id dui mollis faucibus. Mauris eu neque et eros tempus placerat. 
    <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:11pt">Nam in purus nisi</span>, vitae dictum ligula. 
    Morbi mattis eros eget diam vulputate imperdiet. 
    <span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;font-size:11pt">Integer</span> a metus eros. 
    Sed iaculis porta imperdiet.


I finally managed to get it to work. 我终于设法让它发挥作用。 The code is based off of http://blog.verkoyen.eu/blog/p/detail/convert-css-to-inline-styles-with-php with once simple change: Moving the line 该代码基于http://blog.verkoyen.eu/blog/p/detail/convert-css-to-inline-styles-with-php只需进行一次简单的更改:移动线

// add new properties into the list
foreach($rule['properties'] as $key => $value) $properties[$key] = $value;

up to the begining of the loop, right after where $properties is declared. 在声明$ properties之后,直到循环的开始。

To make this work for WordPress however, one additional change is needed. 但是,要使其适用于WordPress,需要进行一项额外的更改。 DomDocument replace &nbps; DomDocument替换&nbps; from the document with blanks, which breaks WordPress update statement and lead to cotent being cut off. 从具有空白的文档,打破WordPress更新声明,导致强大的被切断。 Please refer to my other question for the solution: DOMDocument->saveHTML() converting &nbsp; 有关解决方案,请参阅我的其他问题: DOMDocument-> saveHTML()转换&nbsp; to space 到太空

This problem is detailed in https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/48692/post-content-getting-cut-off-on-blank-space-on-wpdb-update . https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/48692/post-content-getting-cut-off-on-blank-space-on-wpdb-update中详细介绍了此问题。 If you know why this is happening for WordPress, please post your answer there as I would very much like to find out why it is happening. 如果您知道为什么WordPress会发生这种情况,请在那里发布您的答案,因为我非常想知道它为什么会发生。


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