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[英]How to convert DateTime in Specific timezone?

I find it hard to understand how UTC works.我发现很难理解 UTC 是如何工作的。

I have to do the following but I'm still confused if I'd get the right result.我必须做以下操作,但是如果我得到正确的结果,我仍然感到困惑。


  1. Ensure all saved dates in Database are in UTC format确保数据库中的所有保存日期均为UTC格式
  2. Update DefaultTimezone is in Manila time更新DefaultTimeZone在马尼拉时间
  3. Ensure all returned dates are in Manila Time确保所有返回的日期都在马尼拉时间

So the code is:所以代码是:

public ConvertDate(DateTime? dateTime)
    if (dateTime != null)
        Value = (DateTime)dateTime;
        TimeZone = GetFromConfig.DefaultTimeZone(); 

public ConvertDate(DateTime? dateTime, int GMTTimeZone)
    if (dateTime != null)
        Value = (DateTime)dateTime;
        TimeZone = GMTTimeZone;

public int TimeZone
    get { return m_TimeZone; }
    set { m_TimeZone = value; }

DateTime m_Value;
public DateTime Value
    get { return m_Value; }
        m_Value = value;
        DateTime converted = m_Value.ToUniversalTime().ToLocalTime();

Sample usage:示例用法:

DateTime SampleInputFromUser = new DateTime(2012, 1, 22);
ConvertDate newConversion = new ConvertDate(SampleInputFromUser, 21);
DateTime answer = newConversion.Value;

Now I get confused for 'TimeZone'.现在,我对“时区”感到困惑。 I don't know how to use it to get the objectives.我不知道如何使用它来获得目标。
Hope you understand my question and have the idea to get the objectives done.希望您理解我的问题并有想法完成目标。


According to @raveturned answer, I get this following code:根据@raveturn的答案,我得到以下代码:

***Added in ConvertDate method ***添加了转换方法

TimeZoneInfo timeInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(GetFromConfig.ManilaTimeZoneKey());
ManilaTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dateTime.Value, TimeZoneInfo.Local, timeInfo).ToUniversalTime();

**New Property **新属性

DateTime _ManilaTime;
public DateTime ManilaTime
    get { return _ManilaTime; }
    set { _ManilaTime = value; }

The .NET framework already has classes and methods available to convert DateTimes between different time zones. .NET框架已经具有可用于在不同时区之间转换DateTime的类和方法。 Have a look at the ConvertTime methods of the TimeZoneInfo class. 看一下TimeZoneInfo类的ConvertTime方法。

Edit: When you get the time to put into the database, assuming it was created with correct time zone information you can easily convert to UTC: 编辑:当您有时间放入数据库时​​,假设它是使用正确的时区信息创建的,则可以轻松转换为UTC:

DateTime utcTime = inputDateTime.ToUniversalTime();

Get timeInfo as done in the question edit: 获取问题编辑中的timeInfo:

TimeZoneInfo timeInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(GetFromConfig.ManilaTimeZoneKey());

When you send the database time to user, convert it to the correct timezone using timeInfo . 将数据库时间发送给用户时,请使用timeInfo将其转换为正确的时区。

DateTime userTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dbDateTime, timeInfo);

Personally I'd try and keep this logic separate from the propery get/set methods. 我个人将尝试将此逻辑与适当的获取/设置方法分开。

TimeZoneInfo infotime = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)");
DateTime thisDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(datetimeFromBD, infotime);
var date = System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(
    TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"));

To help others: 帮助他人:

    static void ChangeTimezone()
        // Timezone string here:
        foreach (TimeZoneInfo z in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())

        // Use one of those timezone strings
        DateTime localDt = DateTime.Today;
        DateTime utcTime = localDt.ToUniversalTime();
        TimeZoneInfo timeInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("US Eastern Standard Time");
        DateTime estDt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(utcTime, timeInfo);

For anyone facing problem in getting TimeZoneInfo in cross-platform (different time zone ids between Windows and Linux), .NET 6 addresses this issue:对于在跨平台获取 TimeZoneInfo 时遇到问题的任何人(Windows 和 Linux 之间的不同时区 id),.NET 6 解决了这个问题:

Starting with this release, the TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById method will automatically convert its input to the opposite format if the requested time zone is not found on the system.从此版本开始,如果在系统上未找到请求的时区,TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById 方法将自动将其输入转换为相反的格式。 That means that you can now use either IANA or Windows time zone IDs on any operating system that has time zone data installed*.这意味着您现在可以在任何安装了时区数据的操作系统上使用 IANA 或 Windows 时区 ID*。 It uses the same CLDR mappings, but gets them through .NET's ICU globalization support, so you don't have to use a separate library.它使用相同的 CLDR 映射,但通过 .NET 的 ICU 全球化支持获取它们,因此您不必使用单独的库。

A brief example:一个简单的例子:

// Both of these will now work on any supported OS where ICU and time zone data are available.
TimeZoneInfo tzi1 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("AUS Eastern Standard Time");
TimeZoneInfo tzi2 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Australia/Sydney");

Find more info here 在此处查找更多信息

And as mentioned in other answers: to get DateTime in the desired timezone from UTC, use TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime, TimeZoneInfo) Method正如其他答案中所述:要从 UTC 获取所需时区的DateTime ,请使用TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime, TimeZoneInfo) 方法

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