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[英]List of most popular Android phones?

As Android developers, we know the important of testing on physical devices--and as many as possible. 作为Android开发人员,我们知道在物理设备上进行测试的重要性 - 尽可能多。 Given a limited budget, it's logical that we would want to test using the most popular Android phones and tablets to help ensure our apps work for as large a percentage of the market as possible. 鉴于预算有限,我们希望使用最受欢迎的Android手机和平板电脑进行测试,以确保我们的应用尽可能在市场中占据很大比例,这是合乎逻辑的。

Is there a regularly updated resource showing the most popular phones and tablets? 是否有定期更新的资源显示最流行的手机和平板电脑? Preferably in the US. 最好是在美国。 The information must be out there--reported sales from manufacturers, statistics from the Android Market, etc... I just don't see everything I'd like in one place. 信息必须在那里 - 来自制造商的报告销售,来自Android Market的统计数据等......我只是在一个地方看不到我想要的一切。

The only resource I've found so far is AppBrain: http://www.appbrain.com/stats/top-android-phones 到目前为止,我发现的唯一资源是AppBrain: http//www.appbrain.com/stats/top-android-phones

This is a useful and frequently updated set of statistics, but I don't know that AppBrain is the most representative of device usage as a whole, so I appreciate better suggestions. 这是一个有用且经常更新的统计数据集,但我不知道AppBrain是整个设备使用中最具代表性的,所以我感谢更好的建议。

You might have discovered this already, But I will still post it for the sake of those who might come across this thread in the future. 你可能已经发现了这个 ,但是为了那些将来可能会遇到这个帖子的人,我仍然会发布它。

The website I linked above is Handset Detection . 我上面链接的网站是手机检测 As I was googling android popular device distribution, I often see blogs referencing Handset Detection, so I visited it and it showed some android device statistics per country. 由于我在谷歌搜索Android流行的设备分发,我经常看到引用手机检测的博客,所以我访问它,它显示了每个国家的一些Android设备统计数据。

Here is the link to the blog of the website: 以下是该网站博客的链接:

http://www.handsetdetection.com/blog/ http://www.handsetdetection.com/blog/

For specific infographics, you can check this out: 对于特定的信息图表,您可以查看:

https://www.handsetdetection.com/categories/infographics https://www.handsetdetection.com/categories/infographics

For the specific link that I was referring to in this answer when I posted it, you can check this out: 对于我在发布时在本回答中提到的具体链接,您可以查看:

https://www.handsetdetection.com/blog/android-statistics-breaking-down-droid-use-in-the-developing-world-infographic https://www.handsetdetection.com/blog/android-statistics-breaking-down-droid-use-in-the-developing-world-infographic

Found a pretty useful resource: https://deviceatlas.com/blog/most-popular-android-smartphones . 找到了一个非常有用的资源: https//deviceatlas.com/blog/most-popular-android-smartphones It shows most used Android devices based on the country. 它显示了最常用的基于国家/地区的Android设备。 Rankings are based on the traffic share. 排名基于流量份额。 Current report is based on the Q4 2018 data. 目前的报告基于2018年第四季度的数据。

Other than that you can also find the usage of specific device in countries all over world. 除此之外,您还可以在世界各地找到特定设备的使用情况。 https://deviceatlas.com/device-data/explorer/webusage/traffic/no-tablet/country/us?search=Samsung%20Galaxy%20S9 https://deviceatlas.com/device-data/explorer/webusage/traffic/no-tablet/country/us?search=Samsung%20Galaxy%20S9

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