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[英]How to avoid the following repeated code?

I wrote two functions which look similar, how can I optimize them? 我写了两个看起来相似的函数,如何优化它们?

Note: 注意:

1. AsyncCompletedEventArgs is the base class of DownloadStringCompletedEventArg and UploadStringCompletedEventArgs . 1. AsyncCompletedEventArgsDownloadStringCompletedEventArgUploadStringCompletedEventArgs的基类。

2. Result property is not in the AsyncCompletedEventArgs . 2. Result属性不在AsyncCompletedEventArgs

3. DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs has a Error property, if Error is null , then try to access Result property, the exception occurs. 3. DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs具有Error属性,如果Errornull ,则尝试访问Result属性,将发生异常。

void fun1(DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
        string s = e.Result;
    catch (WebException eX)

void fun2(UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
       string s = e.Result;
   catch (WebException eX)

You code may be changed to something like below: 您的代码可能会更改为如下所示:

    void fun1(DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { Process(e); }

    void fun2(UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { Process(e); }

    private void Process(dynamic eventArgs)
            string s = eventArgs.Result;
        catch (WebException e)

UploadStringCompletedEventArgs and DownloadCompletedEventArgs both extend AsyncCompletedEventArgs but unfortunately the base class does not define the Result property. UploadStringCompletedEventArgsDownloadCompletedEventArgs都扩展了AsyncCompletedEventArgs但不幸的是,基类未定义Result属性。

A TryX pattern with a result accessor delegate might be appropriate here: 具有结果访问器委托的TryX模式在这里可能是合适的:

public bool TryGetResult(Func<string> resultAccessor, out string result)
        result = resultAccessor();
        return true;

        result = null;
        return false;

void fun1(DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)      
    string result;
    if (TryGetResult(() => e.Result, out result))
        // Success

void fun2(UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e)      
    string result;
    if (TryGetResult(() => e.Result, out result))
        // Success

I'd recommend trying to work in a check to AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error , though, as exceptions are quite expensive. 但我建议尝试检查AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error ,因为异常的代价很高。

Something like this: 像这样的东西:

void fun1(DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) 
    var result = Process<string>(e); 
    if (result != null)
        // TODO your logic here

void fun2(UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e) 
    var result = Process<string>(e); 
    if (result != null)
        // TODO your logic here

private T Process<T>(AsyncCompletedEventArgs result)
    if (result.Error != null)
    else if (!result.Cancelled)
        //var prop = result.GetType().GetProperty("Result");
        //return (T) prop.GetValue(result, null);
        return (T) ((dynamic)result).Result;
    //else // TODO handle cancelled
    return default(T);

Maybe you could write a function that takes a parameter of type AsyncCompletedEventArgs (from which both eventArg classes you use inherit) and then attempt to cast it to the correct type in your code. 也许您可以编写一个函数,该函数采用AsyncCompletedEventArgs类型的参数(您使用的两个eventArg类都从该参数继承),然后尝试将其强制转换为代码中的正确类型。 That would allow you to complete both in the same method, but looking at your code it probably wouldn't have much benefit for you. 那将允许您使用相同的方法完成这两个操作,但是查看您的代码可能对您没有太大好处。 Good luck! 祝好运!

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