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[英]RichTextbox, RTF in VB.NET

I am using richtextbox in vb.net , which contains the value "секция", which is russian word. 我正在vb.net中使用richtextbox,其中包含值“секция”,这是俄语单词。

rtf1.selectedrtf and rtf.rtf , it returns /Un representation of characters. rtf1.selectedrtfrtf.rtf ,它返回字符的/Un表示。 Is there any way or option in rtf to return the value in \\uXXXX format?. rtf是否有任何方法或选项以\\uXXXX格式返回值?

секция=\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0446\u0438\u044F (<-- i need this format)
rtf1.selectedrtf returns
"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset204{\*\fname Arial;}Arial CYR;}}  \uc1\pard\b\protect\f0\fs16\'f1\'e5\'ea\'f6\'e8\'ff}  "  

I have a small function to convert a unicode string to unicode rtf text. 我有一个小功能,可以将unicode字符串转换为unicode rtf文本。

Private Function UnicodeStringToRtfText(str As String) As String
    Dim arrStr As Char() = str.ToCharArray()
    Dim retStr As String = ""
    For Each ch As String In arrStr
        If (AscW(ch) > 122) Then
            retStr &= "\u" & AscW(ch) & "?"
            retStr &= ch
        End If
    Return retStr
End Function

Hope this help! 希望有帮助!

You can use the Encoding class found in System.Text to get the format in utf 8. 您可以使用System.Text中的Encoding类来获取utf 8中的格式。

Eg: 例如:


For more details you can look at the following link at msdn: 有关更多详细信息,请查看msdn上的以下链接:

Encoding.UTF8 Property It has good coding examples that you can follow. Encoding.UTF8属性它提供了不错的编码示例,您可以遵循。 I did not find anyway to set the encoding for a richtextbox but you can using the encoding class to get the format that you desire. 无论如何,我都没有找到为RichTextBox设置编码的方法,但是您可以使用encoding类来获取所需的格式。

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