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[英]Find and replace text inside xml document using regular expression

I am using c# console app to get xml document. 我正在使用c#控制台应用程序来获取xml文档。 Now once xmldocument is loaded i want to search for specific href tag: 现在,一旦加载了xmldocument,我想搜索特定的href标签:


inside the xml document. 在xml文档中。

once that node is found i want to strip tag completly and just show Hello. 找到该节点后,我想完全剥离标签并仅显示Hello。

<a href="/abc/def">Hello</a>

I think i can simply get the tag using regex. 我想我可以使用正则表达式简单地获得标签。 But can anyone please tell me how can i remove the href tag completly using regex? 但是有人可以告诉我如何使用正则表达式完全删除href标签吗?

xml & html same difference: tagged content. xml和html的不同点是:标记的内容。 xml is stricter in it's formatting. xml的格式更加严格。 for this use case I would use transformations and xpath queries rebuild the document. 对于这种用例,我将使用转换和xpath查询来重建文档。 As @Yahia stated, regex on tagged documents is typically a bad idea. 正如@Yahia所说,在带标签的文档上使用正则表达式通常不是一个好主意。 the regex for parsing is far to complex to be affective as a generic solution. 作为通用解决方案,解析的正则表达式非常复杂,难以发挥作用。

The most popular technology for similar tasks is called XPath. 用于完成类似任务的最流行技术称为XPath。 (It is also a key component of XQuery and XSLT.) Would the following perhaps solve your task, too? (它也是XQuery和XSLT的关键组件。)以下内容是否也可以解决您的任务?

root.SelectSingleNode("//a[@href='/abc/def']").InnerText = "Hello";

You could try 你可以试试

string x = @"<?xml version='1.0'?> 
    <a href='/abc/def'>Hello</a> 

 System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
 XmlNode n = doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@href='/abc/def']");
 XmlNode p = n.ParentNode;
 System.Xml.XmlNode newNode = doc.CreateNode("element", "a", "");
 newNode.InnerXml = "Hello";

Not really sure if this is what you are trying to do but it should be enough to get you headed in right direction. 不太确定这是否是您要尝试的方法,但是它足以使您朝正确的方向前进。

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