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删除 Python 打印行中的字符

[英]Delete Characters in Python Printed Line

I'm writing a program where I want the cursor to print letters on the same line, but then delete them as well, as if a person was typing, made a mistake, deleted back to the mistake, and kept typing from there.我正在编写一个程序,我希望光标在同一行上打印字母,但随后也将它们删除,就好像有人在打字,犯了一个错误,删除回错误,然后继续从那里打字。

All I have so far is the ability to write them on the same line:到目前为止,我所拥有的只是将它们写在同一行上的能力:

import sys, time
write = sys.stdout.write

for c in text:  
write('\b')  # <-- backup 1-character

Just to illustrate the great answers given by @user590028 and @Kimvais只是为了说明@user590028 和@Kimvais 给出的精彩答案

sys.stdout.write('\b') # move back the cursor
sys.stdout.write(' ')  # write an empty space to override the
                       # previous written character.
sys.stdout.write('\b') # move back the cursor again.

# Combining all 3 in one shot: 
sys.stdout.write('\b \b')

# In case you want to move cursor one line up. See [1] for more reference.

[1] This answer by Sven Marnachin in Python Remove and Replace Printed Items [1] Sven Marnachin 在 Python Remove and Replace Printed Items 中的这个答案
[2] Blog post about building progress bars [2] 关于构建进度条的博客文章

当您使用print() ,您可以将 end 设置为\\r ,它将用新文本替换该行中的文本。

print(text, end="\r")

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