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Rails 3,远程表单重定向,想留在页面上,缺少模板错误?

[英]Rails 3, remote form redirecting, want to stay on page, missing template error?

I think I must be doing something stupid. 我想我一定是在做一些愚蠢的事。 Unfortunately, due to the nature of stupidity, I can't tell what I'm being stupid about. 不幸的是,由于愚蠢的性质,我无法分辨出我愚蠢的是什么。 So, as you can guess, I feel pretty stupid. 所以,你可以猜到,我觉得很愚蠢。

Please help me surmount this brick wall of stupidity. 请帮我克服这个愚蠢的砖墙。

I want to be able to click on a submit button and not leave the page, moreover, for that page to not even attempt to reload! 我希望能够点击提交按钮,而不是离开页面,而且,该页面甚至没有尝试重新加载! This is accomplished by ajax and I've read several guides on it, I have even had it working on another project before. 这是由ajax完成的,我已经阅读了几个指南,我甚至让它在之前的另一个项目上工作。 In this instance I'm hiding the div with scriptaculous. 在这个例子中,我用scriptaculous隐藏了div。 In the previous version of ajax form submission I used a (pseudo code) 在之前版本的ajax表单提交中我使用了(伪代码)

   render update do |page| 
       page replace html with this div 

But this time I'm not actually going to replace the div or anything, I'm just hiding it with scriptaculous with an onclick event.... 但是这次我实际上并没有替换div或者任何东西,我只是用一个onclick事件的scriptaculous隐藏它....

Alls I want is for the form to actually submit and for it to disappear. 我想要的就是让表格实际提交并让它消失。

So I'm working on a form, here's the form tag: 所以我正在处理一个表单,这是表单标签:

        <%=form_for :call_back_request, :remote => true, :url => {:action => "call_back_request_cbrsent"} do |c| %>

As you can see it is :remote => true 你可以看到它是:remote => true

I have various form entry fields, which I think are more or less irrelevant, here's the relevant parts: 我有各种表单输入字段,我认为或多或少不相关,这里是相关部分:

This is a field that is part of the submit button, so I've included it here: 这是一个提交按钮的一部分,所以我在这里包含它:

    <%= hidden_field_tag :instructor_id, "empty", :id=>"instructor_hidden_field" %>

this is the submit button, as you can see I'm using scriptaculous to hide a div, that's the div the the submit button is in. 这是提交按钮,你可以看到我正在使用scriptaculous来隐藏div,这就是提交按钮所在的div。

It could be affecting this so rather than delete that from this stackoverflow question I've included it. 它可能会影响这一点,而不是从这个stackoverflow问题中删除它我已经包含它。

    :style=>"width:90px; height:33px; padding-bottom:0; font-size:1em;", 
    :class=>"lpl-go-button lpl-go-button-submit", 
    :onclick=>"Effect.BlindUp('cbr_row_#{rp[:name]}');  document.getElementById('instructor_id').value = '#{rp[:instructor_id]}';return false;", :remote=>true %>

(line breaks added by me here to prevent you guys having to scroll right so much) (我在这里添加了换行符,以防止你们不得不向右滚动)

From the controller : 从控制器:

      def call_back_request_cbrsent
        @call_back_request = CallBackRequest.new(params[:call_back_request])
        @instructor = Instructor.find_by_id(params[:instructor_id])
        @call_back_request.instructor_id = params[:instructor_id]
        email = UserMailer.create_send_call_back_request(@call_back_request, @instructor)

Now, the thing is, as far as my tired mind can see the return false; 现在,问题是,只要我疲惫的头脑可以看到回报是虚假的; & the remote => true (in the submit tag specifically) do nothing much. &remote => true(具体在提交标签中)什么都不做。 My brain's cache is totally chock a block, I am having trouble thinking. 我的大脑缓存完全阻塞,我无法思考。 Feel like I need to take a step back and stuff cause I'm not seeing the problems here. 感觉我需要退后一步,因为我没有看到这里的问题。

Thanks to anyone who takes the effort to get through my ramblings here to give me an answer, I appreciate that I've got a lot of waffle up there. 感谢任何努力通过我的ramblings在这里给我一个答案的人,我感谢我在那里有很多华夫饼干。 Really sorry. 真对不起。 Dead tired. 精疲力竭。 Think Dr. Jonestone said "sorry I didn't have time to write a short one" - bit of that going on here. 想想Jonestone博士说:“对不起,我没有时间写一篇简短的文章” - 其中有一点是在这里发生的。

Just to clarify, currently I'm getting missing template error on a remote form... I tried adding this 只是为了澄清,目前我在远程表单上丢失了模板错误...我试着添加它

    render :nothing => true

But, it iss not working. 但是,它不起作用。

It does a good job at rendering a blank page, I don't know what the point in this would be so I am assuming that either it is not working properly for me or it's not appropriate in this context for some reason. 它在渲染空白页面方面做得很好,我不知道这个问题的重点是什么,所以我假设它对我来说不正常,或者由于某些原因它在这种情况下不合适。

Try (in your controller) 尝试(在您的控制器中)

render :nothing => true

Edit: 编辑:

Ah, if you had a template error you should've said so. 啊,如果你有模板错误,你应该这么说。

I just noticed that you want to remove the div also. 我只是注意到你想要删除div。

So what you want to do, it in your controller: 那么你想要做什么,它在你的控制器中:

def call_back_request_cbrsent
    respond_to do |format|

And then make a call_back_request_cbrsent.js.erb file in your views. 然后在视图中创建一个call_back_request_cbrsent.js.erb文件。 This will contain the javascript to remove that form. 这将包含用于删除该表单的JavaScript。 It obviously contain something like the following: 它显然包含如下内容:


...That's in jQuery, but just use whatever javascript you've been using to remove the form. ...这是在jQuery中,但只是使用你一直用来删除表单的任何javascript。

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