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分层图的Java API

[英]java api for layered graphs

Which java based graph/chart api is most suitable for layered graphs in java based desktop applications? 哪种基于Java的图形/图表API最适合基于Java的桌面应用程序中的分层图形? It is desired that the entire graph/chart is build up of several layers which can be shown or hidden later as per needs.Also, it would be nice if it provides in place editing ( temporarily, just for view ) of the graph/chart (especially line charts). 希望整个图/图由几层组成,然后可以根据需要在以后显示或隐藏。此外,如果它提供对图/图的就地编辑(暂时只是为了查看),那将是很好的(尤其是折线图)。

您可以使用chart4j http://code.google.com/p/charts4j/或非常简单的Google图表API http://code.google.com/apis/chart/

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