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[英]Form validation play framework 2.0

I'm following the tutorial at http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0/JavaForms 我正在关注http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0/JavaForms上的教程

I've created a class LoginForm.java (Instead of User.class from the example. Not a class for persisting, just a form values holder) 我已经创建了一个类LoginForm.java(而不是示例中的User.class。不是用于持久化的类,只是一个表单值持有者)

package domain;

import static play.data.validation.Constraints.*;

public class LoginForm {

        public String email;
        public String password;


And in my controller i do (as the example), but i set the values to empty Strings to try the @Required annotation. 在我的控制器中我做(作为示例),但我将值设置为空字符串以尝试@Required注释。

Form<LoginForm> loginForm = form(LoginForm.class);
Map<String,String> anyData = new HashMap();
anyData.put("email", "");
anyData.put("password", "");

//Faking a post
LoginForm postedLoginForm = loginForm.bind(anyData).get();

if(loginForm.hasErrors()) {
  //Just for this test task, should have another error handling..
  return ok("@Required annotation kicked in..");
} else {
  return ok("Got form values, email: " + postedLoginForm.email + " password: " + postedLoginForm.password);

But at: 但在:

LoginForm postedLoginForm = loginForm.bind(anyData).get();

I get an Execution exception [[IllegalStateException: No value]] 我得到执行异常[[IllegalStateException:No value]]

So it never checks/comes to 所以它永远不会检查/来


Does anyone know why this is? 有人知道为什么吗? If i set the values as the example: 如果我将值设置为示例:

Map<String,String> anyData = new HashMap();
anyData.put("email", "bob@gmail.com");
anyData.put("password", "secret");

Everything works and i retrieve the LoginForm object with the correct values. 一切正常,我使用正确的值检索LoginForm对象。 Am i supposed to catch the Exception? 我应该抓住异常吗? Shouldn't play take care of that and set loginForm.hasErrors = true? 不应该玩,并设置loginForm.hasErrors = true?

Thanks for any help! 谢谢你的帮助!

This is expected behavior. 这是预期的行为。

Note that you must use .get() on form After check for errors. 请注意,必须在表单上使用.get()检查错误。

LoginForm preLoginForm = loginForm.bind(anyData);

if(loginForm.hasErrors()) {
    //Just for this test task, should have another error handling..
    return ok("@Required annotation kicked in..");
LoginForm postedLoginForm = preLoginForm.get();
// ... Now use postedLoginForm 

This seems to be a bug with Play 2.0 framework. 这似乎是Play 2.0框架的一个错误。 I was able to replicate the same problem locally. 我能够在本地复制同样的问题。

I opened a ticket https://play.lighthouseapp.com/projects/82401-play-20/tickets/313 in case you want to follow up. 我打开了一张票https://play.lighthouseapp.com/projects/82401-play-20/tickets/313,以备你跟进。

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