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在 JavaScript getter/setter 中使用 delete 删除 getter/setter

[英]Using delete in JavaScript getter / setter to delete the getter / setter

This is a question about how JavaScript getters and setters work.这是一个关于 JavaScript getter 和 setter 如何工作的问题。

Mozilla's implementation of log4j as a JavaScript module (partial implementation, just the important parts needed for the intended use cases such as in Firefox Sync) contains the following getter/setter definition. Mozilla 将 log4j 实现为 JavaScript 模块(部分实现,只是预期用例所需的重要部分,例如在 Firefox Sync 中)包含以下 getter/setter 定义。

What does the 'delete' in the getter/setter do for you? getter/setter 中的“删除”对您有什么作用? What does that even mean?那有什么意思? It seems to have the effect of making the first use have different results from following uses (but if so, how)?它似乎具有使第一次使用与后续使用产生不同结果的效果(但如果是这样,如何)?

get repository() {
  delete Log4Moz.repository;
  Log4Moz.repository = new LoggerRepository();
  return Log4Moz.repository;
set repository(value) {
  delete Log4Moz.repository;
  Log4Moz.repository = value;

The question (and existing answers) are missing an important piece of context;问题(和现有答案)缺少重要的上下文; the getter and setter are defined on the Log4Moz object. getter 和 setter 是在 Log4Moz 对象上定义的。 With that in mind, what happens when either the getter or setter is called and it deletes the property for which it is defined?考虑到这一点,当调用 getter 或 setter 并删除为其定义的属性时会发生什么?

delete on accessor properties (properties with get/set) has the same effect as it does on data properties, namely that it removes the property. delete对访问器属性(带有 get/set 的属性)具有与对数据属性相同的效果,即删除该属性。 After executing delete Log4Moz.repository , the repository property is no longer present on the Log4Moz object and the getter/setter functions are no longer bound to that property.执行delete Log4Moz.repositoryrepository属性不再存在于Log4Moz对象上,并且 getter/setter 函数不再绑定到该属性。

The next lines, which assign to Log4Moz.repository behave as you would expect.分配给Log4Moz.repository的下Log4Moz.repository行为与您预期的一样。 A data property is created in the Log4Moz object with the given value.Log4Moz对象中创建了Log4Moz具有给定值的数据属性。

In effect, what this does is replace an accessor property with a data property after the first access (either get or set), making a lazily-initialized data property.实际上,这样做是在第一次访问(获取或设置)后用数据属性替换访问器属性,从而生成延迟初始化的数据属性。


The delete operator deletes a property of an object. delete 运算符删除对象的属性。

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/delete https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/delete

delete operator deletes a property of an object. delete 运算符删除对象的属性。 if you have a object如果你有一个对象

o = { a : "hello", b : "world" }; o = { a : “你好”, b : “世界” };

and you do你也是

delete oa;删除oa;

your object will look like this你的对象看起来像这样

o = {b : "world" }; o = {b : "世界" };

and after that if you do之后,如果你这样做

oa = "foo"; oa = "foo";

it will add new property a to object o and assign it the value "foo" and your object will be like它将向对象 o 添加新属性 a 并为其分配值“foo”,您的对象将类似于

o = { a : "foo", b : "world" }; o = { a : "foo", b : "world" };

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