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[英]CodeIgniter and DataMapper

I've read through a few different posts here and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. 我在这里阅读了一些不同的帖子,无法弄清楚自己在做什么错。

My DB is setup like the following: 我的数据库的设置如下:

- id
- address_id
- price
- etc...

- id
- home_id
- address1
- address2
- etc...

Then my models look like this, condensed. 然后,我的模型就这样浓缩了。

class Home extends DataMapper {
    public var $has_one = array('address');

class Address extends DataMapper {
    public var $has_one = array('home');

Then my controller uses the following: 然后我的控制器使用以下内容:

class Homes extends CI_Controller {
    public function __construct()

    public function index() {
        $homes = new Homes();


        _p($homes); // Self made function that wraps a print_r() in two <pre> tags.

If I comment out these two lines I get the standard CI return array. 如果我注释掉这两行,我将得到标准的CI返回数组。


If I don't then I get a server error. 如果不这样做,则会收到服务器错误。 This is my first time using DataMapper and I'm almost certain I'm doing everything wrong, but have no idea where to start. 这是我第一次使用DataMapper,几乎可以肯定我做错了什么,但不知道从哪里开始。


I figured out my issue. 我知道了我的问题。 I had to change the DB table address to addresses and in my address.php model I had to specify var $table = 'addresses'; 我必须将数据库表address更改为addresses ,在我的address.php模型中,我必须指定var $table = 'addresses';

That fixed everything. 固定一切。

Yes you can specify the table name in your model. 是的,您可以在模型中指定表名称。 Also your example was wrong : 你的例子也是错误的:

$homes = new Homes();

Should be 应该

$homes = new Home();

I usually redefine the table name within my model to make sure everything is fine. 我通常会在模型中重新定义表名,以确保一切正常。

Your relations is wrong. 你的关系错了。 I assume you are setting a One to One relation ship. 我假设您正在设置一对一关系。 The doc say : http://datamapper.wanwizard.eu/pages/relationtypes.html 医生说: http : //datamapper.wanwizard.eu/pages/relationtypes.html

Because this is a One to One relationship, the relationship could have been stored in three ways: 因为这是一对一关系,所以该关系可以三种方式存储:

  1. As shown, on the workers table. 如图所示,在worker表上。
  2. On the workplaces table, as worker_id 在工作场所表上,为worker_id
  3. On a dedicated workers_workplaces join table, with the columns id, worker_id, and workplace_id 在专用的worker_workplaces联接表上,具有id,worker_id和workspace_id列

But here you have added *address_id* to home and *home_id* in address . 但是在这里,您已经将* address_id *添加到home,并将* home_id *添加到address You have to choose between on. 您必须在两者之间进行选择。 For example keep *home_id* in address and remove *address_id* in home . 例如,在地址中保留* home_id *,在home中移除* address_id *。

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