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托管在 IIS 6 的网站变慢

[英]Website hosted in IIS 6 becoming slow

My website has recently becoming slow now a days.我的网站最近变得越来越慢了。 The website is hosted on IIS 6.0, this website is also using 8 other (supporting services) webservices hosted on the same application pool.该网站托管在 IIS 6.0 上,该网站还使用托管在同一应用程序池中的其他 8 个(支持服务)网络服务。 What is the best practice for deploying these kind of applications?部署此类应用程序的最佳实践是什么? Will hosting the services and website on diff application pool reduces the whole site slowness?在 diff 应用程序池上托管服务和网站是否会降低整个站点的运行速度?


Yes, it should improve things.是的,它应该有所改善 Each application pool gets its own worker process, which means more threads and potentially more memory for each application.每个应用程序池都有自己的工作进程,这意味着每个应用程序有更多的线程和可能更多的 memory。

There are other considerations for performance:性能方面还有其他注意事项:

  • Identify your bottlenecks - eg SQL, Network Bandwidth, CPU, worker threads etc. Perfmon counters are a good starting point确定您的瓶颈 - 例如 SQL、网络带宽、CPU、工作线程等。Perfmon 计数器是一个很好的起点
  • Once done, you can then adopt an appropriate strategy, eg SQL Indexing, Caching, Data Pagination, or app Code optimisation.一旦完成,您就可以采用适当的策略,例如 SQL 索引、缓存、数据分页或应用程序代码优化。 Have a look here看看这里

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