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如何在 android Listview 中使用 LinearLayout 而不是 CheckedTextView

[英]how to use LinearLayout instead of CheckedTextView in android Listview

i want to implement listview with LinearLayout item (it will contain CheckedTextView and multiple textview).我想用 LinearLayout 项目实现列表视图(它将包含 CheckedTextView 和多个文本视图)。
so i want use LinearLayout instead of CheckedTextView in ListView.所以我想在 ListView 中使用 LinearLayout 而不是 CheckedTextView。 i tried but the radio button state is not changing.我试过了,但单选按钮 state 没有改变。
my code:我的代码:

    setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(this,R.layout.list_item,android.R.id.text1,COUNTRIES));



i want like this我想要这样
list_item_new list_item_new


If you want to customise the way list items are appearing, you'll need to implement your own adapter.如果您想自定义列表项的显示方式,您需要实现自己的适配器。 It's much simpler than you think.它比你想象的要简单得多。 Here's the basic code for you:这是适合您的基本代码:

public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
    List myData;
    Context context;

    public MyAdapter(Context ctx, List data) {
        context = ctx;
         myData = data;

    public int getCount() { return myData.size(); }

    public Object getItem(int pos) { return myData.itemAt(pos); }

    public int getItemId(int pos) { return pos; }

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        //this is where you create your own view with whatever layout you want
        LinearLayout item;
        if(convertView == null) {
            //create/inflate your linear layout here
            item = ...;
        else {
            item = (LinearLayout) convertView;

        //now create/set your individual components inside your layout based on your element
        //at the requested position

and that's all it is to it.仅此而已。

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