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MonoDroid 将位置纬度经度双精度转换为坐标

[英]MonoDroid Convert Location Latitude Longitude Double to Coordinates

When using a Location Manager to get a Location object containing Latitude and Longitude, the values are returned as Doubles in the form of 1.5......E-314.当使用位置管理器获取包含纬度和经度的位置 object 时,值以 1.5......E-314 的形式作为双精度值返回。 How do I convert this to Coordinates like 35.55378, -85.8790?如何将其转换为 35.55378、-85.8790 等坐标?

GeoPoint point2= new GeoPoint((int)(21.75 * 1E6),(int)(70.61 * 1E6));

this will help you to convert这将帮助您转换

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