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Oracle PL/SQL 触发器更新另一列

[英]Oracle PL/SQL Trigger to update another column

I am trying to create a trigger that updates another table with PL/SQL and I am having some problems.我正在尝试创建一个触发器来使用 PL/SQL 更新另一个表,但我遇到了一些问题。 (I have read this but doesn't help a lot). (我读过这个但没有太大帮助)。

Here is my situation, I have lets say 2 tables:这是我的情况,我可以说 2 个表:

Customers Table客户

CustomerID number Primary Key, ItemsDelivered number CustomerID编号主键, ItemsDelivered编号

Items Table项目

CustomerID number, ItemID number, ItemDelivered Varchar(15) CustomerID编号、 ItemID编号、 ItemDelivered Varchar(15)

Lets say that when somenone places an order we have a new record at Items table that looks like this:假设当有人下订单时,我们在 Items 表中有一条新记录,如下所示:

| CustomerID | ItemID | ItemDelivered | 
|         1  |    1   |    False      |

I want a trigger that will raise the ItemsDelivered counter whenever someone updates the ItemDelivered collumn to "True".我想要一个触发器,只要有人将 ItemDelivered 列更新为“True”,它就会提高 ItemsDelivered 计数器。

create or replace Trigger UpdateDelivered  
   After Update On Items For
     Each Row 
   Counter Customers.ItemsDelivered%Type; 
  If (:Old.ItemDelivered ='False' And :New.ItemDelivered='True') Then
     Select ItemsDelivered into Counter From Customers where CustomerdID =:New.CustomerID; 
  end if; 

Here is my problem, if only the ItemDelivered column is updated there is no New.CustomerID!这是我的问题,如果只更新 ItemDelivered 列,则没有 New.CustomerID!

Is there any way to get the CustomerID of the row that have just updated?有什么方法可以获取刚刚更新的行的 CustomerID 吗? (I have tried to join with inserted virtual table but I am getting an error that the table doesn't exists) (我试图加入插入的虚拟表,但我收到该表不存在的错误)

In a row-level trigger on an UPDATE , both :new.customerID and :old.customerID should be defined.UPDATE的行级触发器中,应定义:new.customerID:old.customerID And unless you're updating the CustomerID , the two will have the same value.除非您更新CustomerID ,否则两者将具有相同的值。 Given that, it sounds like you want鉴于此,听起来你想要

create or replace Trigger UpdateDelivered  
   After Update On Items For
     Each Row 
  If (:Old.ItemDelivered ='False' And :New.ItemDelivered='True') Then
     Update Customers
        set itemsDelivered = itemsDelivered + 1
      where customerID = :new.customerID;
  end if; 

That being said, however, storing this sort of counter and maintaining it with a trigger is generally a problematic way to design a data model. It violates basic normalization and it potentially leads to all sorts of race conditions.然而,话虽如此,存储这种计数器并用触发器维护它通常是设计数据 model 的一种有问题的方法。它违反了基本规范化,并可能导致各种竞争条件。 For example, if you code the trigger the way you were showing initially where you do a SELECT to get the original count and then do an update, you'll introduce bugs in a multi-user environment because someone else could also be in the process of marking an item delivered and neither transaction would see the other session's changes and your counter would get set to the wrong value.例如,如果您按照最初显示的方式对触发器进行编码,即执行SELECT以获取原始计数然后进行更新,那么您将在多用户环境中引入错误,因为其他人也可能在该过程中将项目标记为已交付并且两个事务都不会看到另一个会话的更改并且您的计数器将设置为错误的值。 And even if you implement bug-free code, you've got to introduce a serialization mechanism (in this case the row-level lock on the CUSTOMERS table taken out by the UPDATE ) that causes different sessions to have to wait on each other-- that is going to limit the scalability and performance of your application.即使您实现了无错误的代码,您也必须引入一种序列化机制(在本例中是UPDATE取出的CUSTOMERS表上的行级锁),这会导致不同的会话必须相互等待 - - 这将限制应用程序的可扩展性和性能。

To demonstrate that the :old.customerID and the :new.customerID will both be defined and will both be equal演示:old.customerID:new.customerID都将被定义并且都相等

SQL> desc items
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 CUSTOMERID                                         NUMBER
 ITEMID                                             NUMBER
 ITEMDELIVERED                                      VARCHAR2(10)

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  create or replace
  2  trigger updateDelivered
  3    after update on items
  4    for each row
  5  begin
  6    if( :old.itemDelivered = 'False' and :new.itemDelivered = 'True' )
  7    then
  8      dbms_output.put_line( 'New CustoerID = ' || :new.customerID );
  9      dbms_output.put_line( 'Old CustomerID = ' || :old.customerID );
 10    end if;
 11* end;
SQL> /

Trigger created.

SQL> select * from items;

---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1 False

SQL> update items
  2     set itemDelivered = 'True'
  3   where customerID = 1;
New CustoerID = 1
Old CustomerID = 1

1 row updated.

If you would like to store the item count in the database, I would recommend a pair of triggers.如果您想将项目计数存储在数据库中,我会推荐一对触发器。 You would use an after row trigger to record the item number (perhaps in a table variable in your package) and an after statement trigger that will actually update the counter, calculating the items delivered directly from the base date.您将使用一个后行触发器来记录项目编号(可能在您的包裹中的一个表变量中)和一个实际更新计数器的后语句触发器,计算直接从基准日期交付的项目。 That is, by也就是说,通过

select sum(itemsDelivered) from Customers where itemId = :itemId;

This way, you avoid the dangers of corrupting the counters, because you are always setting it to what it should be.这样,您就可以避免破坏计数器的危险,因为您始终将其设置为应有的值。 It's probably a Good Idea to keep the derived data in a separate table.将派生数据保存在单独的表中可能是个好主意。

We built our old system entirely on database triggers which updated data in separate "Derived" tables, and it worked very well.我们完全基于数据库触发器构建旧系统,这些触发器更新单独的“派生”表中的数据,并且运行良好。 It had the advantage that all of our data manipulation could be performed by inserting, updating and deleting the database tables with no need to know the business rules.它的优点是我们所有的数据操作都可以通过插入、更新和删除数据库表来执行,而无需了解业务规则。 For instance, to put a student into a class, you just had to insert a row into the registration table;例如,要将学生放入 class,您只需在注册表中插入一行; after your select statement, tuition, fees, financial aid, and everything else were already calculated.在你的 select 声明之后,学费、杂费、经济援助和其他一切都已经计算好了。

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