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如何从 JSON 中获取 boolean 的值?

[英]How to get boolean value from JSON?

Suppose this is a value in a JSON I want to assign to a BOOL variable:假设这是 JSON 中的一个值,我想分配给一个 BOOL 变量:

"retweeted": false

Here is how I parse JSON data:以下是我如何解析 JSON 数据:

NSError *error;
NSArray *timeline = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:responseData options:NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves error:&error];

Now, I have a bool property defined as:现在,我有一个 bool 属性定义为:

BOOL *retweeted;

Inside my class. When I do this while parsing the JSON:在我的 class 中。当我在解析 JSON 时这样做:

tweet.retweeted = [[[timeline objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"retweeted"] boolValue];

I get this error:我收到此错误:


How to solve this problem?如何解决这个问题呢?

My preferred way of doing it is:我喜欢的做法是:

BOOL success = [[responseObject valueForKey:@"success"] boolValue]

Clean, succinct and inline.干净、简洁和内联。

BOOL *retweeted;

this is wrong, booleans are scalars, not Objective-C objects, so they don't need to be declared as pointers.这是错误的,布尔值是标量,而不是 Objective-C 对象,因此不需要将它们声明为指针。 Use采用

BOOL retweeted;


After serialization with NSJSONSerialization the boolean is stored as an NSNumber .使用NSJSONSerialization存储为NSNumber If you look at the type it actually stores is is a __NSCFBoolean but that does not matter.如果您查看它实际存储的类型是__NSCFBoolean但这并不重要。 NSNumber is an abstract class that does not exist. NSNumber是一个不存在的抽象 class。 The system stores the value with a concrete class.系统将值存储为具体的 class。


NSNumber* boolean = [serializedDictionary valueForKey:@"boolValue"];

this returns a @0 for NO and @1 for YES .这将返回@0表示NO@1表示YES You can use is as a booleanValue by doing:您可以通过执行以下操作将 is 用作 booleanValue:

  // ...

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