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Node.js + CoffeeScript - 模块/类混淆

[英]Node.js + CoffeeScript - modules/class confusion

I understand how to use Protoype in standard Javascript with Node.js and modules, but am having a rough time equating them in CoffeeScript.我了解如何在标准 Javascript 中使用 Protoype 与 Node.js 和模块,但我很难将它们等同于 CoffeeScript。

Let's say I have a file called mymodule.coffee :假设我有一个名为mymodule.coffee的文件:

Module = {}

class MyModule

  constructor: (parameter) ->

    Module = this
    Module.parameter = parameter

  standardFunction = (parameter) ->

    return parameter

  callbackFunction = (parameter, callback) ->

    callback parameter

exports.MyModule = MyModule

And I have another file called test.coffee in the same directory, which I run via coffee test.coffee , but get an error TypeError: Object #<MyModule> has no method 'standardFunction' when trying to access the class MyModule :我在同一目录中有另一个名为test.coffee的文件,我通过coffee test.coffee运行它,但在尝试访问 class MyModule时收到错误TypeError: Object #<MyModule> has no method 'standardFunction'

myModule = require 'mymodule'
myModule = new myModule.MyModule 'parameter'

console.log myModule.standardFunction 'parameter'

myModule.callbackFunction 'parameter', (response) ->

  console.log 'Response: ' + response 

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

You have mistake in a syntax:你有语法错误:

standardFunction = (parameter) ->
    return parameter

should be应该

standardFunction : (parameter) ->
    return parameter

( : instead of = ) The first one is converted to ( :而不是= ) 第一个转换为

standardFunction = function(parameter) {
    return parameter;

which gives you nothing (no relation to class), while the second one to这给你什么都没有(与阶级无关),而第二个给

MyModule.prototype.standardFunction = function(parameter) {
    return parameter;

which is what you want.这就是你想要的。

By the way, you can use CoffeeScript in your constructor like this:顺便说一句,您可以在构造函数中使用 CoffeeScript,如下所示:

constructor: (parameter) ->
    @parameter = parameter

Just to be a bit more concise:只是为了更简洁一点:


The above code will translate to this.param = param上面的代码会翻译成 this.param = param

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