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如何在代码/预块中添加 Markdown 格式?

[英]How do I add Markdown formatting in a code / pre block?

This may seem to defeat the purpose of a code block, but I'd like to be able to bold something within a code block.这似乎违背了代码块的目的,但我希望能够在代码块中加粗某些内容。 For example, if I wanted to bold the return line:例如,如果我想加粗返回行:

int main(void) {
    **return 0;**

You would have to do this in HTML, by design .根据设计,您必须在 HTML 中执行此操作。

However, inside Markdown code spans and blocks, angle brackets and ampersands are always encoded automatically.但是,在 Markdown 代码范围和块内,尖括号和符号始终自动编码。

int main(void) {
    <b>return 0;</b>

This syntax should solve your problem:此语法应该可以解决您的问题:

    int main(void) {
       **return 0;**

Just type three backticks in the beginning of the code block and it's should work.只需在代码块的开头键入三个反引号,它就应该可以工作。

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