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ActionbarSherlock 和 android:targetSdkVersion>13

[英]ActionbarSherlock and android:targetSdkVersion>13

I am using ActionbarSherlock 4.0 - the problem is that when I set targetSdkVersion to 14 or 15 the Home button stops working - everything is fine as soon as I set it back to 13 I am testing on a tablet with 3.1 and a phone with 2.3.6我正在使用 ActionbarSherlock 4.0 - 问题是当我将 targetSdkVersion 设置为 14 或 15 时,主页按钮停止工作 - 只要我将它设置回 13,一切都很好 我正在 3.1 的平板电脑和 2.3 的手机上进行测试。 6个

If you mean the "up" button in the ActionBar, you have to call ActionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) when targeting API14+.如果您指的是 ActionBar 中的“向上”按钮,则必须在针对 API14+ 时调用ActionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)

I found out what was wrong - one has to explicitly call when targetting 13+我发现出了什么问题 - 当目标 13+ 时必须明确调用


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