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在 MySql 中的一个单元格中插入多个具有相同名称的文本输入

[英]Insert multiple text inputs with same name, into one cell in MySql

I have multiple inputs我有多个输入

<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
...and so on (depending on how many they want)

On form submit (using $_POST), i want to take all of the inputs (which by the way, we'll never now how many will be there [dynamic jquery add/remove input form] ) and combine them into one variable, all nicely separated by ^^^.在提交表单时(使用 $_POST),我想获取所有输入(顺便说一句,我们现在永远不会知道会有多少 [动态 jquery 添加/删除输入表单])并将它们组合成一个变量,都被 ^^^ 很好地分开了。

BTW, I am using this format to insert into mysql顺便说一句,我正在使用这种格式插入 mysql

 $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mixtapes (title, songs, posted_by_id, description, date) 
     VALUES('$mixtapetitle','$allmixtapetracks','$posted_by_id','$mixtapedescription', now())")  
     or die (mysql_error());

So in the end i want to pack all of the dynamic inputs into one single variable, each one separated by ^^^.所以最后我想将所有动态输入打包到一个变量中,每个变量由 ^^^ 分隔。 The example below is how i want the variable $allmixtapetracks to look, so when I insert it, it looks EXACTLY like that.下面的示例是我希望变量 $allmixtapetracks 的外观,所以当我插入它时,它看起来完全像那样。

Value of input 1^^^Value Of Input 2^^^Value of Input 3^^^Value of input 4^^^输入1的值^^^输入2的值^^^输入3的值^^^输入4的值^^^


This coding is causing my error.此编码导致我的错误。 When the inputs are dynamicly created, the php $_POST ignores them.动态创建输入时,php $_POST 会忽略它们。 Why?为什么? I am not sure.我不知道。

JavaScript: JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">


    var counter = 3;

    $("#addButton").click(function () {

            alert("The maximum allowed tracks is 40");
            return false;

    var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div'))
         .attr("id", 'TextBoxDiv' + counter);

    newTextBoxDiv.html('<table><tr><td width="88"><label>Track #'+ counter + ' : </label></td><td><input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" ></td></tr></table>');



     $("#removeButton").click(function () {
          alert("Your mixtape must contain at least two tracks!");
          return false;


        $("#TextBoxDiv" + counter).remove().show().hide(40);




 <form action="add-mixtape.php" name="addmixtapeForm" class="addmixtapeForm" id="addmixtapeForm" autocomplete="off" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div id='TextBoxesGroup'>
             <div id="TextBoxDiv1">
               <td width="88"><label>Track #1: </label></td>
               <td><input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" ></td>
               <td width="88"><label>Track #2: </label></td>
               <td><input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" ></td>
            <input type="button" value="Add Track" id="addButton" class="addREMOVEmixtapetrack">
            <input type="button" value="Remove Track" id="removeButton" class="addREMOVEmixtapetrack">
$alltracks = implode('^^^', $_POST['track']) . '^^^';

Test code:测试代码:

$alltracks = implode('^^^', $_POST['track']) . '^^^';
echo $alltracks;

<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input size="32" class="mixtapetrack" type="text" id="track[]" name="track[]" >
<input type="submit">

I strongly recommend against storing multiple values in one column.强烈建议不要在一列中存储多个值。 The correct strategy is to create a normalized table which links mixtapes to tracks:正确的策略是创建一个规范化表,将混音带链接到曲目:

CREATE TABLE tapetracks (
  mixtapeid INT NOT NULL,
  trackname VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL

Then loop over the input values and insert each into the table:然后遍历输入值并将每个值插入表中:

$mixtapeid = <the current tape you are adding to>;
foreach ($_POST['track'] AS $track) {
  $track = mysql_real_escape_string($track);
  $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tapetracks (mixtapeid, trackname) VALUES ($mixtapeid, '$track')");
  if (!$result) {
    echo mysql_error();

When storing multiple values in one column, you lose the ability to utilize a column index when querying, and it becomes a big hassle to query for individual values, requiring calls to REPLACE() and FIND_IN_SET() which may fail if the track names contain commas.当在一列中存储多个值时,您在查询时失去了使用列索引的能力,并且查询单个值变得很麻烦,需要调用REPLACE()FIND_IN_SET()如果曲目名称包含,这可能会失败逗号。 It really is the wrong strategy.这确实是错误的策略。

Yes, sure you can:是的,你当然可以:

$combined = "";
foreach ( $_POST['track'] as $t ){
    $combined .= $t . "^^^";
$combined = substr(0,-3, combined) // only if you want to strip last 3 "^^^" symbols

This should do it....这应该做到......

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