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[英]How to get selected list view item for context menu click event

I need help to get Selected list view item details, when context menu assigned to list view items is clicked.当单击分配给列表视图项的上下文菜单时,我需要帮助来获取选定的列表视图项详细信息。

    <ContextMenu x:Key="GvRowMenu" ItemsSource="{Binding ContextMenuItems}">
                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                    <Image  Source="{Binding IconPath}"></Image>
                    <TextBlock  Text="{Binding Name}"></TextBlock>
                        CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=DataContext.RunCommand}" />

This is a click event code这是点击事件代码

private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //what needs to de here?

I wrote this piece of code in my view model, but it doesnt trigger on execute method我在我的视图 model 中写了这段代码,但它不会在执行方法上触发

RunCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(OnRunCommand, CanRunCommand);

private void OnRunCommand(object obj)
        // use the object here...

    private bool CanRunCommand(object obj)
        return true;

Let me know, how can I handle this situation.让我知道,我该如何处理这种情况。 Any examples related to same will be appreciated.任何与此相关的示例将不胜感激。


you are mixing you methods... you can run an event or you can use a command, but not so much both together.你在混合你的方法......你可以运行一个事件或者你可以使用一个命令,但不能同时使用。

what you want is to bind the command:你想要的是绑定命令:

<MenuItem Command="{Binding DataContext.RunCommand}" />

there are many wonderfull sources of info out there... here is one .那里有许多很棒的信息来源…… 这是一个

Thanks.., Well.谢谢..,嗯。 below piece of code worked for me.下面的一段代码对我有用。

private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem)e.Source;
   ContextMenu contextMenu = menuItem.CommandParameter as ContextMenu;
   ListViewItem item = (ListViewItem)contextMenu.PlacementTarget;
   var x = ((myViewModel)(item.Content)).myModel;
   //'x' gives all required data of list view item

This is my XAML这是我的 XAML

   <ContextMenu x:Key="GvRowMenu" ItemsSource="{Binding ContextMenuItems}">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
               <Image  Source="{Binding ImagePath}"/>
               <TextBlock  Text="{Binding Name}"/>
               <MenuItem Click="MenuItem_Click" 
                                 AncestorType={x:Type ContextMenu}}}"/>

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