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我可以在不需要安装根证书的情况下验证 .NET 中的 XMLDSIG 签名吗?

[英]Can I verify an XMLDSIG signature in .NET without requiring the root certificate be installed?

I'd like to use XMLDSIG for verifying that a.config file has not been tampered with.我想使用 XMLDSIG 来验证 a.config 文件是否未被篡改。 I also want to be able to verify the signature chain so that I can trust the signature.我还希望能够验证签名链,以便我可以信任签名。

I've got three certificates in the chain:我在链中获得了三个证书:

Root CA -> Intermediate Signing CA -> Signing Key

I check that the file is signed with a key that is issued by the intermediate CA.我检查该文件是否使用中间 CA 颁发的密钥签名。

I'd like to do this without installing any certificates in the user's Windows certificate store.我想在不在用户的 Windows 证书存储中安装任何证书的情况下执行此操作。 These are self-signed certificates, so not every user is going to want me installing them in their Root store.这些是自签名证书,因此并非每个用户都希望我将它们安装在他们的根存储中。 I don't have a problem with installing them in my root store.我的根存储中安装它们没有问题。

I have the original.CER files -- they're included in the Signature block, and I can include them with the verification code.我有原始的 CER 文件——它们包含在签名块中,我可以将它们与验证码一起包含在内。 I can build a certificate chain from this by using X509ChainPolicy.ExtraStore .我可以使用X509ChainPolicy.ExtraStore从中构建证书链。

If the certificates are not installed in the root store, and I verify the chain, then X509Chain.Build returns false , and the chain has a X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot in it.如果证书未安装在根存储中,并且我验证了链,则X509Chain.Build返回false ,并且链中有一个X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot

Can I add trusted certificates just for the duration of this operation?是否可以仅在此操作期间添加受信任的证书?

Assuming you have physical copies of the public keys of ALL signing certs in the trust chain, then this is possible by using the OpenSSL command line tool.假设您拥有信任链中所有签名证书的公钥的物理副本,那么这可以通过使用 OpenSSL 命令行工具来实现。

http://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/#verify-standard http://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/#verify-standard

It's a bit of a steep learning curve at first, but a very powerful utility.起初它的学习曲线有点陡峭,但却是一个非常强大的实用程序。

If you don't have the signing certs, then you cannot verify anything.如果您没有签名证书,则无法验证任何内容。 That would be the same as trying to verify a human signature without having seen the original.这与在没有看到原件的情况下试图验证人类签名是一样的。 You have nothing to compare to, so how could you verify the authenticity?你没有可比性,怎么验证真伪?


There's something here perhaps that could help you:也许这里有一些东西可以帮助你:

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/eu/clr/thread/1966a6e8-b6f4-44d1-9102-ec3a26426789 http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/eu/clr/thread/1966a6e8-b6f4-44d1-9102-ec3a26426789

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