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[英]Cast with variable assigned of some type

What i'm trying to do is do cast needed to add my controls to Ext.Net.Panel .我正在尝试做的是将我的控件添加到Ext.Net.Panel所需的转换。

This is my code example:这是我的代码示例:

   Ext.Net.Panel panel = new Ext.Net.Panel();
   Control control = (Control) null;//here can be any Ext.Net type as well as NumeticField for example Ext.Net.TextArea and so on
  switch (infoAttribute.Type)
                                        case PropertyTypeAttrib.Text:
                                            control = (Control)new Ext.Net.TextField();
                                            ((TextField)control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;
                                            control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                        typeToCast = typeof (TextField);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.FileUrl:
                                        control = (Control) new Ext.Net.HyperLink();
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                        ((Ext.Net.Label) control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;

                                        //panel.Items.Add((Ext.Net.HyperLink) control);
                                        typeToCast = typeof (Ext.Net.HyperLink);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.Enum:
                                        control = (Control) new MMPControls.Web.ComboBoxEnumExt();
                                        ((MMPControls.Web.ComboBoxEnumExt) control).EnumerationTypeName =
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                        ((MMPControls.Web.ComboBoxEnumExt) control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;
                                        //panel.Items.Add((MMPControls.Web.ComboBoxEnumExt) control);
                                        typeToCast = typeof (MMPControls.Web.ComboBoxEnumExt);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.Date:
                                        control = new MMPControls.Web.DateSelect();
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                            //(MMPControls.Web.DateSelect) control);
                                        typeToCast = typeof (MMPControls.Web.DateSelect);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.DateTime:
                                        control = new MMPControls.Web.DateSelect();
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                        typeToCast = typeof (MMPControls.Web.DateSelect);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.TextInteger:
                                        control = (Control)new Ext.Net.NumberField();
                                        ((NumberField)control).AllowDecimals = false;
                                        ((NumberField)control).MinValue = 0;
                                        ((Ext.Net.NumberField)control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                            //(Ext.Net.NumberField) control);
                                        typeToCast = typeof (Ext.Net.NumberField);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.IList:
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.ImageUrl:
                                        control = (Control)new Ext.Net.Image();
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                        ((Ext.Net.Image)control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;
                                        //panel.Items.Add((Ext.Net.Image) control);
                                        typeToCast = typeof (Ext.Net.Image);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.TextFractional:
                                        control = (Control)new Ext.Net.NumberField();
                                        ((NumberField)control).AllowDecimals = true;
                                        ((NumberField)control).DecimalPrecision = infoAttribute.Fractional;
                                        ((NumberField)control).MinValue = 0;
                                        ((Ext.Net.NumberField)control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                            //(Ext.Net.NumberField) control);
                                        typeToCast = typeof (Ext.Net.NumberField);
                                    case PropertyTypeAttrib.TextLarge:
                                        control = (Control)new Ext.Net.TextArea();
                                        ((TextArea)control).FieldLabel = infoAttribute.HeadLine;
                                        control.ID = propertyHelper.Name;
                                        typeToCast = typeof (TextArea);
   panel.Items.Add((typeToCast)control);//that's what i need to do.

got error in line panel.Items..... cannot resolve this symbol typeToCastpanel.Items.....无法解析此符号 typeToCast

Anyone did something similar before?以前有人做过类似的事情吗?

Thanks for advance:)感谢您的提前:)


What I did was Cast my ready control for Component type.我所做的是为Component类型投射我准备好的控件。 panel.Items.Add((Component)control);

Well the error is because the type part of a casting expression has to be the name of a type (or type parameter) - not the value of an expression.嗯,这个错误是因为转换表达式的类型部分必须是类型的名称(或类型参数)——而不是表达式的值。

Why do you feel you need to cast at all?为什么你觉得你需要施法? Why not just:为什么不只是:

panel.Items.Add(new Ext.Net.NumericField());

Why do you have the cast to Control at all?为什么你有演员来Control Does NumericField not already derive from Control ? NumericField是否已经从Control派生? Why are you using typeof ?你为什么使用typeof Basically I can't see any need for any casts in the code you've presented.基本上,我看不到您提供的代码中需要任何强制转换。 If you think there's a good reason for them, please add more context to the question.如果您认为他们有充分的理由,请为问题添加更多上下文。

With a little refactoring, you should be able to build the same result without use of much Casting.通过一些重构,您应该能够在不使用太多 Casting 的情况下构建相同的结果。 The following sample demonstrates a very simplified approach.以下示例演示了一种非常简化的方法。


<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<%@ Import Namespace="Panel=Ext.Net.Panel" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Button=Ext.Net.Button" %>

<%@ Register assembly="Ext.Net" namespace="Ext.Net" tagprefix="ext" %>

<script runat="server">
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)

    private Component BuildForm()
        var panel = new FormPanel {
            Title = "Example",
            Width = 350,
            Height = 215,
            Padding = 5,
            DefaultAnchor = "100%",
            Buttons = { new Button { Text = "Submit" }}

        panel.Items.Add(this.BuildWidget(new Widget {
            Name = "text",
            ID = "TextField1",
            Label = "My TextField"

        panel.Items.Add(this.BuildWidget(new Widget {
            Name = "date",
            ID = "DateField1",
            Label = "My DateField"

        return panel;

    private Field BuildWidget(Widget widget)
        Field field = null;

            case "text":
                field = new TextField(); 
            case "date":
                field = new DateField();

        field.ID = widget.ID;
        field.FieldLabel = widget.Label;

        return field;

    public class Widget
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public string ID { get; set; }
        public string Label { get; set; }

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
    <title>Ext.NET Example</title>
    <form runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />


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