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Google Apps脚本查找功能调用方ID

[英]Google Apps Script Find function caller id

I have a Google Apps Script that dynamically generates buttons and assigns for each a ClickHandler which in turn calls a function. 我有一个Google Apps脚本,可以动态生成按钮并为每个按钮分配一个ClickHandler,然后依次调用一个函数。 My problem is that because every button calls the same function I can't find a way to indentify which of them actually made the call. 我的问题是,因为每个按钮都调用相同的函数,所以我无法找到一种方法来确定哪个按钮真正进行了调用。 Here is a code sample: 这是一个代码示例:

var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction");
for (i=1,...) {
function buttonAction() {
  //How do I know what button made the call?

Another option is to use the e.parameter.source value to determine the ID of the element that triggered the serverHandler to be called. 另一个选择是使用e.parameter.source值来确定触发serverHandler被调用的元素的ID。

Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

function doGet(e) {
  var app = UiApp.createApplication();
  var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction");

  for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  return app;

function buttonAction(e) {
  var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();

e.parameter.source will contain the ID of the element, which you could then use to call app.getElementById(e.parameter.source) ... e.parameter.source将包含元素的ID,然后可以使用该ID来调用app.getElementById(e.parameter.source)...

You could create multiple handlers, each for one button: 您可以创建多个处理程序,每个处理程序用于一个按钮:

for (i=1,...) {
  var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction" + i);

function buttonAction1() {
  // code to handle button 1

function buttonAction2() {
  // code to handle button 2

function buttonAction...

I wouldn't recommend of having these sort of "anonymous" action handlers though, as you might be having troubles later in remembering which actionX does what. 不过,我不建议您使用这类“匿名”动作处理程序,因为稍后您可能很难记住哪个actionX在做什么。

(eg have a different approach, w/oa loop, or prepare a dictionary-like/array object of meaningful handler names before that loop.) (例如,采用不同的方法,使用w / oa循环,或者在该循环之前准备有意义的处理程序名称的类似字典/数组的对象。)

OTOH, you could use event object argument provided to your callback function: OTOH,您可以使用提供给回调函数的事件对象参数:

function buttonAction(event) {
  // use event object here to identify where this event came from

The thing is the above event object properties depends on where your callback is being called from. 关键是上述event对象的属性取决于调用回调的位置。 For instance, if it were a submit button where you had a Form, then you could access parameters submitted by that from like so: event.parameter.myParamName . 例如,如果它是您拥有表单的提交按钮,那么您可以通过如下方式访问由该按钮提交的参数: event.parameter.myParamName See code sample here . 在这里查看代码示例

So, if you have a variable number of buttons, you could use a hidden element + the button: 因此,如果按钮的数量可变,则可以使用隐藏元素+按钮:

for (i=1,...) {
  var hiddenAction = app.createHidden("action", "action"+i);

  var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction");

  var btn = app.createButton("Button text", handler);

  // you'll need to add both btn and hidden field
  // to the UI

Then, your buttonAction might look like this: 然后,您的buttonAction可能看起来像这样:

function buttonAction(e) {
  var action = e.parameter.action;
  // do something based on action value here
  // which will be one of "action1", "action2", ...

The above is a copy & paste from Hidden class sample. 上面是从Hidden类示例中复制并粘贴的内容。

The above might not work out of the box, but you get the idea: create a hidden element that holds the info you need in your callback, and attach that hidden to your server handler. 上面的方法可能不是开箱即用的,但您可以理解:创建一个隐藏元素,该元素保存您在回调中所需的信息,然后将其附加到服务器处理程序中。 You could even create multiple hidden elements or a Form panel. 您甚至可以创建多个隐藏元素或“表单”面板。

I have the same issue. 我有同样的问题。 It works using Tag. 它可以使用标签。

EG 例如


var button = addButton(app
                    ,"buttonActiveTrelloProjects_" + i.toString()
                    ,appVars.buttonWidth() + "px"
                    ,appVars.level2ButtonHeight().toString() + "px"
                       ,(appVars.buttonLhsGap() * buttonCntr) + (appVars.buttonWidth() * (buttonCntr - 1 )   + 9)
                    ,(appVars.level2ButtonTopGap() * 34) 
      button.setTag(projectName );

USE 采用

function buttonActiveProjectsChartHandler_1(button){


buttonTag        = getButtonTag(button);
chartType        = buttonTag.split(";")[1];
activeProject    = buttonTag.split(";")[0]; 



function getButtonTag(button){
var jsonButton = JSON.stringify(button);
  var source = button.parameter.source;
  var tagPtr = source + "_tag";
  return button.parameter[tagPtr];

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