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[英]Perl Script removing words from one file to an output file

Im pretty sure this is really basic. 我很确定这是真的。 However I have no knowledge of Perl and only need to use it this once. 但是我不了解Perl,只需要使用一次即可。 So I appreciate your patience. 因此,感谢您的耐心配合。

I am trying to remove unwanted text from a single line below which is in HTML: 我试图从下面的HTML中的一行中删除不需要的文本:

    <a target="_blank"          href="http://sharepoint/sites/cerner/quickreferenceguides/Documents/EXP001_Run_Printable_TCI_List.pdf" onmouseover="return overlib('This guide outlines the process for running a printable TCI List', CAPTION, 'TCI LIST');" onmouseout="return nd();">Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised<i>)</a> 

All I want to be left with is Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised</i>) which is the text at the end before the </a> . 我只想剩下的就是Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised</i>) ,它是</a>前面的文本。 I have around 500 of these lines and since they could be changed in the future it makes sense to create a program. 我大约有500行,由于将来可能会更改它们,因此创建程序很有意义。 Below is my Perl code so far: 以下是到目前为止的我的Perl代码:

open (SEARK, 'C:\\HTMLsorter\\sources.txt');
open (OUTSEARK, '>C:\\HTMLsorter\\outseark.txt');
while(<SEARK>) {

  if ($_=~/<a target/) {
    $_ =~ s/\<i>//g;
    $_ =~ s/\<\/i>//g;
    @itemsa = split(/>/);
    @itemsb = split(/</, $itemsa[1]);
    print OUTSEARK ("$itemsb[0]\n");
close (SEARK);
close (OUTSEARK);

I'm sure you can read this but just to explain I am opening a file called sources.txt where there are the 500 lines to be sorted. 我确定您可以阅读,但只是为了说明我正在打开一个名为sources.txt的文件,其中有500行需要排序。 The output file will be outseark.txt . 输出文件将是outseark.txt So far it will output this: 到目前为止,它将输出以下内容:

Run Printable TCI List (Revised)

This is obviously due to the split aiming at everything in and around the arrows. 显然,这是由于针对箭头中及其周围的所有内容进行了拆分。 Any ideas how I keep the italics inside the brackets? 有什么想法可以将斜体放在方括号内吗? To be left with: 与:

Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised<i>)

Thanks for looking. 感谢您的光临。

use strict;
use warnings;

open IFH, '<myfile.txt';
open OFH, '>output.txt';

while (<IFH>) {
  if (/<a\s+target.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/i)
    $_ = $1;
    print OFH "$_\n";

close IFH;
close OFH;

You could do this in one liner. 您可以在一个衬里中执行此操作。

cat inputfile|perl -ne 'if (s#<a\s+target[^>]+>(.+?)</a>##is){print "$1\n";}'>outputfile

It is working: 这是工作:

echo '<a target="_blank"          href="http://sharepoint/sites/cerner/quickreferenceguides/Documents/EXP001_Run_Printable_TCI_List.pdf" onmouseover="return overlib('This guide outlines the process for running a printable TCI List', CAPTION, 'TCI LIST');" onmouseout="return nd();">Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised<i>)</a>
<a target="_blank"          href="http://sharepoint/sites/cerner/quickreferenceguides/Documents/EXP001_Run_Printable_TCI_List.pdf" onmouseover="return overlib('This guide outlines the process for running a printable TCI List', CAPTION, 'TCI LIST');" onmouseout="return nd();">Run Printable TCI List 1(<i>Revised<i>)</a>
<a target="_blank"          href="http://sharepoint/sites/cerner/quickreferenceguides/Documents/EXP001_Run_Printable_TCI_List.pdf" onmouseover="return overlib('This guide outlines the process for running a printable TCI List', CAPTION, 'TCI LIST');" onmouseout="return nd();">Run Printable TCI List 2(<i>Revised<i>)</a>
<a target="_blank"          href="http://sharepoint/sites/cerner/quickreferenceguides/Documents/EXP001_Run_Printable_TCI_List.pdf" onmouseover="return overlib('This guide outlines the process for running a printable TCI List', CAPTION, 'TCI LIST');" onmouseout="return nd();">Run Printable TCI List 3(<i>Revised<i>)</a>'|\
perl -ne 'if (s#<a\s+target[^>]+>(.+?)</a>##is){print "$1\n";}'

Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised<i>)
Run Printable TCI List 1(<i>Revised<i>)
Run Printable TCI List 2(<i>Revised<i>)
Run Printable TCI List 3(<i>Revised<i>)

You should use a proper HTML parser, such as HTML::TreeBuilder . 您应该使用适当的HTML解析器,例如HTML::TreeBuilder The code is no more complex as this program demonstrates 该程序演示的代码不再复杂

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::TreeBuilder;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file(*DATA);

print $_->as_text, "\n" for $tree->look_down(_tag => 'a', target => qr/./);

    <a target="_blank"          href="http://sharepoint/sites/cerner/quickreferenceguides/Documents/EXP001_Run_Printable_TCI_List.pdf" onmouseover="return overlib('This guide outlines the process for running a printable TCI List', CAPTION, 'TCI LIST');" onmouseout="return nd();">Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised<i>)</a> 

output 输出

Run Printable TCI List (Revised)

Edit 编辑

To use this technique on the files in your example, the code looks like this 要对示例中的文件使用此技术,代码如下所示

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::TreeBuilder;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file('C:\HTMLsorter\sources.txt');

open my $out, '>', 'C:\HTMLsorter\outseark.txt' or die $!;

print $out $_->as_text, "\n" for $tree->look_down(_tag => 'a', target => qr/./);

Edit 2 编辑2

Now that I understand better what you need I can offer this alternative solution. 现在,我更好地了解了您的需求,我可以提供这种替代解决方案。 It uses the HTML::DOM module to access the Document Object Model of an HTML document, as getting the result you needed with HTML::TreeBuilder is relatively difficult. 它使用HTML::DOM模块来访问HTML文档的文档对象模型 ,因为使用HTML::TreeBuilder获得所需的结果相对困难。

I've also noticed that your sample HTML contains <i>Revised<i> which clearly should be <i>Revised</i> , and I have corrected it for this sample test. 我还注意到您的示例HTML包含<i>Revised<i> ,显然应该将其<i>Revised</i> ,并且我已针对此示例测试对其进行了更正。 Regardless, Perl trieds to parse bad HTML as a browser would, and even with the error the output is useable. 无论如何,Perl都试图像浏览器一样解析错误的HTML,即使出现错误,输出还是可用的。

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::DOM;

my $dom = HTML::DOM->new;
$dom->parse_file('C:\HTMLsorter\sources.txt') or die $!;

open my $out, '>', 'C:\HTMLsorter\outseark.txt' or die $!;
print $out $_->innerHTML, "\n" for grep $_->attr('target'), $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');

output 输出

(With tags corrected) (已更正标签)

Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised</i>)

(With original tags) (带有原始标签)

Run Printable TCI List (<i>Revised<i>)</i></i>

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