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[英]How to create id in element in template when I have passed parameter?

How to create id in element in template when I have passed parameter ? 传递参数后,如何在模板中的元素中创建ID? I have tried something like 我已经尝试过类似的东西

<button id="p_"+{{key}} >TEST</button>

but in rendered HTML id is just p_ . 但在呈现的HTML中,id仅为p_ Can someone tell me how to achieve this ? 有人可以告诉我如何实现吗?

<button id="p_{{key}}">TEST</button>

you need the key to be Inside the quotes 您需要将密钥放在引号内

I'm assuming you were using + to concat strings. 我假设您使用+连接字符串。 I don't believe html supports any operations like that. 我不相信html支持任何这样的操作。

<button id="p_{{key}}">TEST</button>

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