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用于观察应用程序之间的.NET Remoting通信的工具?

[英]tool to observe the .NET Remoting communication between applications?

We have problem with the communiction between two applications. 我们在两个应用程序之间的通信方面存在问题。 According to the software providers, the communication is akind of .NET Remoting. 根据软件提供商的说法,通信是.NET Remoting的一种。 We just want to verify which program first closes the communication, hopefully it could shed light for further debugging. 我们只是想验证哪个程序首先关闭了通信,希望它可以为进一步的调试提供依据。 Is there any tool to facilitate the observation of .NET Remoting communication? 是否有任何工具可以方便观察.NET Remoting通信?

First: It isn't the end user's responsibility to figure this out: your software vendor(s) should be working together to figure out why these two applications are not communicating properly with one another. 第一:最终用户没有责任解决这个问题:您的软件供应商应该共同努力找出这两个应用程序之间为何无法正常通信的原因。

My Answer: You can use Ethereal or Wireshark to monitor network connections and figure out which application is closing the network connection first. 我的答案:您可以使用Ethereal或Wireshark来监控网络连接,并确定哪个应用程序首先关闭网络连接。

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