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[英]Command line arguments in wxWidgets

Is there a way I can read the command line arguments passed into a C++ wxWidgets application? 有没有办法可以读取传递给C ++ wxWidgets应用程序的命令行参数? If so, could you please provide an example of how to do so. 如果是这样,请您提供一个如何操作的示例。

In plain C++, there is argc and argv . 在普通的C ++中,有argcargv When you are building a wxWidgets application, you can access these using wxApp::argc , wxApp::argv[] or wxAppConsole::argc , wxAppConsole::argv[] . 在构建wxWidgets应用程序时,可以使用wxApp::argcwxApp::argv[]wxAppConsole::argcwxAppConsole::argv[]访问这些应用程序。 Note that wxApp is derived from wxAppConsole , so either works depending on if you have a console app or GUI app. 请注意, wxApp派生自wxAppConsole ,因此根据您是否拥有控制台应用程序或GUI应用程序而工作。 See wxAppConsole 请参阅wxAppConsole


bool MyApp::OnInit() {
// Access command line arguments with wxApp::argc, wxApp::argv[0], etc.
// ...

You may also be interested in wxCmdLineParser . 您可能也对wxCmdLineParser感兴趣。

Have a look at these examples ( 1 , 2 ) or: 看看这些例子( 12 )或:

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    wxApp::CheckBuildOptions(WX_BUILD_OPTIONS_SIGNATURE, "program"); 

    wxInitializer initializer; 
    if (!initializer) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize the wxWidgets library, aborting."); 
        return -1; 

    static const wxCmdLineEntryDesc cmdLineDesc[] = 
        { wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH, "h", "help", "show this help message", 
        // ... your other command line options here... 

        { wxCMD_LINE_NONE } 

    wxCmdLineParser parser(cmdLineDesc, argc, wxArgv); 
    switch ( parser.Parse() ) 
        case -1: 
            wxLogMessage(_T("Help was given, terminating.")); 

        case 0: 
            // everything is ok; proceed 

            wxLogMessage(_T("Syntax error detected, aborting.")); 
    return 0; 

您可以从您访问命令行变量wxApp ,因为它从inherites wxAppConsole提供wxAppConsole :: ARGCwxAppConsole :: argv的

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