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[英]Access to widget from topic.subscribe's callback

I'm trying to use Dojo's pub/sub topic module as documented here . 我正在尝试使用Dojo的pub / sub主题模块,如此处所述 I am subscribing to an event inside a custom widget's startup() method and would like to modify the widget when the topic is triggered. 我正在订阅自定义窗口小部件的startup()方法中的事件,并希望在触发主题时修改窗口小部件。

How do I access the widget from the topic.subscribe() callback? 如何从topic.subscribe()回调访问小部件? Inside the callback, this does not refer to the widget; 在回调内部, this并不是指小部件; I'm not sure what it refers to... the this object includes emit and on functions, as well as a declaredClass field that looks like "uniqName_0" . 我不确定它是指... this对象包括emiton函数,以及一个看起来像"uniqName_0"declaredClass字段。

You want to use dojo/_base/lang::hitch to change the scope of callback function when subscribing inside the widget method, where this refers to the widgets instance. 您希望在widget方法中订阅时使用dojo/_base/lang::hitch更改回调函数的范围,其中this引用了小部件实例。 You have a couple of options here: 你有几个选择:

  1. anonymous function: 匿名功能:

     topic.subscribe("topic/some", lang.hitch(this, function() { // your callback logic here })); 
  2. the method of widget: 小部件的方法:

     topic.subscribe("topic/some", lang.hitch(this, "callbackMethod")); 

See it in action: http://jsfiddle.net/phusick/N7NGB/ 看到它在行动: http//jsfiddle.net/phusick/N7NGB/

The widget has some convenience methods that will handle the hitch as phusick describes. 小部件有一些方便的方法,可以处理phusick描述的故障。

In the startup method, you can write 在启动方法中,您可以编写

startup: function() {

  this.subscribe('topic/some', '_onTopic');

_onTopic: function() {
  this.something // 'this' is the widget

A widget has other convenience methods 小部件有其他便利方法


When using the subscribe and connect methods, the unsubscribe and disconnect methods will be automatically called when the widget is destroyed. 使用subscribeconnect方法时,将在销毁窗口小部件时自动调用unsubscribedisconnect方法。

http://dojotoolkit.org/api/dijit/_WidgetBase http://dojotoolkit.org/api/dijit/_WidgetBase

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