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[英]Obtaining JSoup Elements in certain order

In one <div> element I have three types of elements (among the others): 在一个<div>元素中,我具有三种类型的元素(在其他元素中):

  • <span class="some_name_1">
  • <div class="some_name_2">
  • <p>

The problem is that I don't know how their number and the order they're in. So what I would need is to have all of these elements shown above in some kind of array so I could iterate over them. 问题是我不知道它们的数量和排列顺序。因此,我需要将所有这些元素以某种数组的形式显示,以便对它们进行迭代。

I am quite new to JSoup - how could I achieve such thing? 我对JSoup还是很陌生-我怎么能做到这一点? The order is crucial for me. 订单对我来说至关重要。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Hmm, you need to iterate on elements? 嗯,您需要遍历元素吗? This is simple. 这很简单。

Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
         Element div = doc.select("div").first(); //here you get your parent div
         for (Element element : div.children()) {
            //Here you can acccess all childs of your div

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