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[英]Close a dialog by clicking the modal iframe?

I am creating a modal dialog box. 我正在创建一个模式对话框。 First I append an iframe to the body tag to act as my overlay. 首先,我将一个iframe附加到body标签上,作为我的叠加层。

<div class="modal-screen">
  <iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe>

Then I append my dialog box to the body . 然后,将对话框附加到body

<div class="dialog">
  <!-- various dialog related elements

Now I would like to close the dialog when the user clicks the overlay. 现在,我想在用户单击叠加层时关闭对话框。 The problem is that I can't seem to bind to any events related to the overlay. 问题是我似乎无法绑定到任何与叠加层相关的事件。

To summarize my JS, basically my dialog view has an initialize method where the overlay is prepared: 总结一下我的JS,基本上我的对话框视图有一个initialize方法,用于准备叠加层:

initialize: function() {
  this.modal = $('<div class="modal-screen"><iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe></div>')

  this.modal.on('click', function(e) {
    // this event never seems to fire

Then I render into the page when I need it. 然后在需要时渲染到页面中。 When I click the overlay, I never see hello .. 当我单击叠加层时,我永远不会看到hello ..

render: function() {
  // append other dialog content

this.modal is not a single element, instead it is a DOM object which is why you can not bind anything on it. this.modal不是单个元素,而是一个DOM对象,这就是为什么您不能在其上绑定任何内容的原因。 Try binding $('.modal-screen', this.modal) instead. 尝试改为绑定$('。modal-screen',this.modal)。

There is no reason to be using an iframe here. 这里没有理由使用iframe。 Simply construct an overlay div , then remove it when it is clicked. 只需构建一个overlay div ,然后单击它即可将其删除。

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