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错误C2955:“ CELL”:使用类模板需要模板参数列表C ++堆栈

[英]error C2955: 'CELL' : use of class template requires template argument list C++ Stack

I am creating a custom stack to use with a old class that used the stack library. 我正在创建一个自定义堆栈,以与使用堆栈库的旧类一起使用。

Upon compiling I get the following error: 编译后出现以下错误:

error C2955: 'CELL' : use of class template requires template argument list C++ Stack 错误C2955:“ CELL”:使用类模板需要模板参数列表C ++堆栈

It compiled with the .h file included up until I changed the stack (c++ library) to my_Stack (custom stack) 它使用.h文件进行编译,直到我将堆栈(c ++库)更改为my_Stack(自定义堆栈)为止

The code for the h is as followed h的代码如下

#ifndef generic_stack_H
#define generic_stack_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

                        Structure CELL has two fields.
------------------     ------------------
| element | next | ->  | element | next |
------------------     ------------------
template <class T>
struct CELL { T element; struct CELL *next; };

                                Class STACK.
template <class T>
class my_STACK
private:    CELL *topCellPtr;
    my_STACK()    {topCellPtr = NULL;}
    //--------------------------Member functions--------------------------
void push(T e)
    struct CELL *cP;

    cP = new CELL;
    cP->element = e;
    cP->next = NULL;
    if(topCellPtr != NULL)   
        cP->next = topCellPtr;
    topCellPtr = cP;


void pop()
    struct CELL *cP;

    if(topCellPtr == NULL)
        cout << "Trying to pop an empty stack." << endl;
    cP = topCellPtr;
    topCellPtr = topCellPtr->next;       

bool empty() {

    bool check false;

    struct CELL *cP;

    if(topCellPtr == NULL)

       check = true;


   return true;


T top()    {return topCellPtr->element;}

void print()
    struct CELL *cP = topCellPtr;

    cout << "Stack (top = left): ";
    while (cP != NULL)
        cout << cP->element << " -> ";
        cP = cP->next;
    cout << endl;       

int Count_Occurences (int e) {

    int count = 0;

    struct CELL *cP = topCellPtr;

    while(cP != NULL) {

        if(cP->element == e) {


        }//end if

        cP = cP->next;

    }//end while

    return count;


void Reverse_Stack() {

struct CELL *nP = NULL;

struct CELL *newtopCellPtr = nP;

while(topCellPtr != NULL) {

    int n = this->top();


    nP = new CELL;
    nP->element = n;
    nP->next = NULL;

    if(newtopCellPtr != NULL) {

        nP->next = newtopCellPtr;


    newtopCellPtr = nP;

}//end while

topCellPtr = newtopCellPtr;


int nth(int index) {

    struct CELL *cP = topCellPtr;

    for(int i=1; i < index; i++) {

        cP = cP->next;

    }//end for

    return cP->element;


void Append (my_STACK anotherStack) {


    while(anotherStack.topCellPtr != NULL) {




end while




My main function is as followed: 我的主要功能如下:

#include <iostream> /*input output stream...
                     print on screen... keyboard input*/

//#include <stack>    //stack implementaiton

#include <ctype.h>

#include <string>

#include "generic_stack.h"

using namespace std;/*instead of specifically typing
                    std::cout we can simply write cout
                    this package also includes stack


void reverse(my_STACK<char> &s) {

    my_STACK<char> s2;

    while(!s.empty()) {




    s = s2;


void Reverse_Stack_Stack(my_STACK< my_STACK<char> > &s) {

    my_STACK< my_STACK<char> > s2;

    while(!s.empty()) {




    s = s2;


void newLine(my_STACK<char> &P , state &current_state) {

    current_state = FRESH;

    while(!P.empty()) {




bool isToken(state s) {

    if(s == FRESH) {

        return false;

    } else if (s == ERR) {

        return false;

    } else {

        return true;



bool canPush(char s , state current_state) {

    if(current_state == FRESH) {

        return true;

    } else

        if(current_state == NUM) {

            if(isdigit(s)) {

                return true;

            } else { 

                return false;


    } else

        if(current_state == ID) {

            if(isalpha(s)) {

                return true;

            } else {

                return false;


        } else

            if(current_state == LESSDASH) {

        if(s == '>') {

            return true;

        } else {

            return false;


    }/*end lessdash*/ else

    if(current_state == LESS) {

        if(s == '=' || s == '-' || s == '>') {

            return true;

        } else { 

            return false;


    }/*end less */ else

    if(current_state == GREATER) {

        if(s == '=') {

            return true;

        } else { 

            return false;


    }/*end greater*/ else

    if(current_state == PLUS) {

        if(s == '+') {

            return true;

        } else {

            return false;


    }/*end plus*/ else 

        if(current_state == MINUS) {

        if(s == '>') {

            return true;

        } else {

            return false;


}/*end minus */ else {      

        return false;



state nextState(state current_state, char c) {

        if(current_state == LESS && c == '-') {

            return LESSDASH;

        } else 

            if(c == '<') {

    return LESS;

    } else

    if(c == '>') {

    return GREATER;

    } else

    if(c == '+') {

    return PLUS;

    } else

    if(c == '-') {

    return MINUS;

    } else

    if(isalpha(c) || c == '_') {

    return ID;

    } else

    if(isdigit(c)) {

    return NUM;

    } else

    if(c == '~' || c == '&' || c == '^' || c == '*' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == ':' || c == ',' || c == '=') {

        return ICT;

    }  else {

            return ERR;



my_STACK< my_STACK<char> > maxMunch(my_STACK<char> S) {

    my_STACK<char> P;

    my_STACK< my_STACK<char> > T;

    state current_state = FRESH;

    while(!S.empty()) {

        while(S.top() == ' ' || S.top() == '\t' || S.top() == '\r' || S.top() == '\n') {


            if(!P.empty()) {


                while(!P.empty()) {




            current_state = FRESH;

        }//end second loop

        if(canPush(S.top() , current_state)) {


            current_state = nextState(current_state, S.top());


        } else {

            if(isToken(current_state)/*P is a valid token*/) {


                 newLine(P , current_state);

             } else {

                cout << "Tokenizing Error";

                 newLine(P , current_state);

             }//end else


    }//end loop


     if(S.empty()) {

            return T;//returns the tokens



Takes a string s and a stack theStack by refernce. Breaks the stirng s into
char data types and pushes them into the stack theStack.
void Break_Up_Into_Stack(string s, my_STACK<char> &theStack)
    while (!theStack.empty())   {theStack.pop();} // empty the stack before use.

    for ( int pos = s.length() - 1; pos >= 0; pos--)


Takes a stack of chars s by value. Prints the stack on screen.
void Print_Stack_Of_Char (my_STACK<char> s)
    cout << "-----top of stack: -----" << endl;
    while (!s.empty())  {cout << s.top(); s.pop();}
    cout << endl;
    cout << "---Bottom of stack: ----" << endl << endl;

void printMunch (my_STACK< my_STACK<char>> s)

    while (!s.empty())  {

       Print_Stack_Of_Char (s.top());

        cout << "" << endl; 




void Print_Tokens (my_STACK<my_STACK<char> > s)
    int count = 1;
    while (s.empty() == false)
    cout << count << ". ";
    reverse (s.top());
    while (s.top().empty() == false)
    cout << s.top().top();
    cout << endl;

int main() //main function
//state A = GREATER;
 //char c = '-';
 //cout << canPush(c, A) << endl;
        string inputString;
    my_STACK<char> charStack;

    cout << "Enter the string: ";
    getline(cin, inputString);

    string testString1 = "83 - 8 * [aVar - (2 + 1)] / aVar2";
    string testString2 = "amountOfWork <= 1";

    Break_Up_Into_Stack(inputString, charStack);



    my_STACK <my_STACK<char> > Final;

    Final = maxMunch(charStack);


    char inp;


I have no idea what the error could be, I have tried numerous things and it doesn't work. 我不知道错误可能是什么,我已经尝试了很多事情,但是它不起作用。 the program worked with the original stack but I need to implement the custom stack. 该程序使用原始堆栈,但我需要实现自定义堆栈。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Thanks 谢谢

EDIT: 编辑:

Here is what the compiler outputs: 这是编译器输出的内容:

1>------ Build started: Project: project_7, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>  main.cpp
1>c:\users\administrator\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\project_7\project_7\generic_stack.h(29): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'template'
1>c:\users\administrator\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\project_7\project_7\main.cpp(23): error C2039: 'empty' : is not a member of 'my_STACK<T>'
1>          with
1>          [
1>              T=char
1>          ]
1>c:\users\administrator\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\project_7\project_7\main.cpp(23): fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
template <class T>
struct CELL { T element; struct CELL *next; };

template <class T>
class my_STACK
private:    CELL *topCellPtr;

You declare CELL as a template that the compiler can make classes with. 您将CELL声明为编译器可以用来创建类的模板。 It is important to note that CELL is not technically a class. 重要的是要注意, CELL从技术上讲不是一门课。 Therefore you can't have a pointer to it. 因此,您无法找到指向它的指针。 You have to tell my_STACK what class topCellPtr points at, so that line should be: 您必须告诉my_STACK topCellPtr指向什么类,因此该行应为:

private:    CELL<T> *topCellPtr;

You will probably have to do this throughout all of my_STACK 's code. 您可能必须在my_STACK的所有代码中都这样做。

You forgot to specialize your use of CELL inside the stack class: 您忘了专门在堆栈类中使用CELL

private:    CELL *topCellPtr;

should be 应该

private:    CELL<T> *topCellPtr;

This is just one place, there are numerous others. 这只是一个地方,还有许多其他地方。

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