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为什么TomEE Java EE6已经过认证,但TomEE +没有?

[英]Why is TomEE Java EE6 certified but TomEE+ not?

Like the title says. 就像标题所说的那样。 I don't have much knowledge regarding the inner workings of Java EE6 certification. 我对Java EE6认证的内部工作原理知之甚少。 However, it seems that TomEE+ is just just a superset of TomEE, so shouldn't TomEE+ also be Java EE6 certified? 但是,似乎TomEE +只是TomEE的超集,那么TomEE +也不应该通过Java EE6认证吗?

We just decided to build up Tomcat (vs not use a lot of the features in Glassfish) for our in-house developed admin apps, and am really intrigued by TomEE+ as it has almost everything we want. 我们刚刚决定为我们内部开发的管理应用程序构建Tomcat(而不是使用Glassfish中的许多功能),我对TomEE +非常感兴趣,因为它几乎拥有我们想要的一切。

FYI, we were originally just looking at Tomcat7, and installing Jersey and Hibernate. 仅供参考,我们原本只是看Tomcat7,并安装Jersey和Hibernate。

Long story short, the entire set of TCK tests that apply to the functionality included must pass the TCK in order to be labeled "certified". 简而言之,适用于所包含功能的整套TCK测试必须通过TCK才能被标记为“已认证”。

TomEE+ passes the same tests that TomEE passes (more actually), but by virtue that it includes more things and not all of them pass their respective tests, TomEE+ is not certified. TomEE +传递了TomEE传递的相同测试(实际上更多),但是由于它包含更多内容而并非所有测试都通过了各自的测试,因此TomEE +未经过认证。

We actually only had one distribution, just plain "TomEE", but for certification requirements it became two, TomEE (the now stripped down version) and TomEE+ (the original). 我们实际上只有一个发行版,只是简单的“TomEE”,但是对于认证要求它变成了两个,TomEE(现在被剥离版本)和TomEE +(原始版本)。

TomEE+ actually passes the JAX-RS TCK, we run those tests everyday. TomEE +实际上通过了JAX-RS TCK,我们每天都运行这些测试。 In order to have a certified binary that includes JAX-RS we would have to either create a third TomEE distro that's Web Profile + JAX-RS, or just add JAX-RS to the plain TomEE binary. 为了获得包含JAX-RS的认证二进制文件,我们必须创建第三个TomEE发行版,它是Web Profile + JAX-RS,或者只是将JAX-RS添加到普通的TomEE二进制文件中。 We're adding JAX-RS to the Web Profile in JavaEE 7 at the JCP level, so adding JAX-RS to plain TomEE is just a matter of time. 我们将JAX-RS添加到JCP级别的JavaEE 7中的Web Profile,因此将JAX-RS添加到简单的TomEE只是时间问题。

At the moment we're just trying to get the 1.0.0 out the door -- actually took a break from that to come check out stackoverflow :) Neck deep in scanning code and needed a bit of a breather :) The coming 1.0.0 is already about 20% faster on deploy than the released beta-2, but after this round of hacking it should be much more. 目前我们只是试图让1.0.0出门 - 实际上从那里休息一下来看看stackoverflow :)在扫描代码的脖子深处需要一点喘息:)即将到来的1.0。 0部署的部署速度比发布的beta-2快20%,但在这轮黑客攻击之后应该会更多。 I dare not say how much till it's finished, but it's looking really great so far. 我不敢说它到底有多少,但到目前为止看起来真的很棒。

Anyway, give TomEE+ a try. 无论如何,给TomEE +一个尝试。 If for some reason you feel there are still more benefits to putting all the parts together yourself, definitely let us know and we'll figure something out. 如果由于某种原因你觉得自己把所有部件放在一起还有更多的好处,那么一定要告诉我们,我们会想出办法。 Our whole deal is making it so you don't have to do that yourself anymore. 我们的整个交易都是为了让你不必再自己做了。 So if what is up there doesn't quite fit you, we'll make something that does. 所以如果那里的东西不太适合你,我们会做出一些有用的东西。

The name of the openejb war has changed to tomee, and it looks like the download page hasn't been updated for the dropin-war section. openejb战争的名称已改为tomee,看起来下载页面尚未针对dropin-war部分进行更新。

These sites will link to an appropriate mirror, or for any download link, substitute the text "openejb-tomcat" for just "tomee" and they should work. 这些站点将链接到适当的镜像,或任何下载链接,将文本“openejb-tomcat”替换为“tomee”,它们应该可以工作。

http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/4.0.0-beta-2/tomee-plus-webapp-4.0.0-beta-2.war http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/4.0.0-beta-2/tomee-webapp-4.0.0-beta-2.war http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/4.0.0-beta-2/tomee-plus-webapp-4.0.0-beta-2.war http://www.apache.org /dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/4.0.0-beta-2/tomee-webapp-4.0.0-beta-2.war

I'll let the TomEE guys know... 我会让TomEE的人知道......

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