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是否可以使用 Java AWS API 更新 Route53 记录?

[英]Is it possible using the Java AWS API to update a Route53 record?

I have a hosted domain on AWS Route53.我在 AWS Route53 上有一个托管域。 Under that domain I have an 'A' record for a subdomain.在该域下,我有一个子域的“A”记录。

I would like to be able to update the IP address of the 'A' record using the Java API.我希望能够使用 Java API 更新“A”记录的 IP 地址。 However, when looking at the setAction method of the com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.Change class, it only accepts the CREATE or DELETE values.但是,在查看com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.Change类的setAction方法时,它只接受CREATEDELETE值。 This seems to match the allowed values in the XML message that the Java API sends behind the scenes.这似乎与 Java API 在后台发送的 XML 消息中的允许值相匹配。

Is there any way to just update the IP address, or do I have to delete the original record and then create it again?有没有办法只更新IP地址,还是必须删除原始记录然后重新创建?


It worked for me using this piece of code: 它使用这段代码对我有用:

ResourceRecord record = new ResourceRecord(loadBalancer);
List<ResourceRecord> records = new ArrayList<ResourceRecord>();
ResourceRecordSet recordsSet = new ResourceRecordSet();
recordsSet.setName(subdomain + ".");
Change change = new Change(ChangeAction.CREATE, recordsSet);
List<Change> changes = new ArrayList<Change>();
ChangeBatch batch = new ChangeBatch(changes);
ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest request = new ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest();
ChangeResourceRecordSetsResult result = getRoute53Client().changeResourceRecordSets(request);

Just replace the variables I used with proper data. 只需将我使用的变量替换为适当的数据即可。 (subdomain, loadBalancer and hostedZoneId). (subdomain,loadBalancer和hostedZoneId)。 The method getRoute53Client() returns an instance of the AmazonRoute53Client class from the AWS API. getRoute53Client()方法从AWS API返回AmazonRoute53Client类的实例。

The only way is to use DELETE / CREATE sequence as mentioned here . 唯一的方法是使用此处提到的DELETE / CREATE序列。

Creating a Change Batch Request 创建更改批处理请求

To create a change batch request, use the ChangeResourceRecordSets action ChangeBatch element. 要创建更改批处理请求,请使用ChangeResourceRecordSets操作ChangeBatch元素。 You use CREATE and DELETE actions within the ChangeBatch element for each record that you want to update. 您可以在ChangeBatch元素中为要更新的每个记录使用CREATE和DELETE操作。 If you are only creating records, then you will only use CREATE actions. 如果您只是创建记录,那么您将只使用CREATE操作。

        ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord(IPAdress); // IPAddress will be String variable that has IP value
        List<ResourceRecord> rrList = new ArrayList<ResourceRecord>();

        // Create a ResourceRecordSet
        ResourceRecordSet resourceRecordSet = new ResourceRecordSet();
        resourceRecordSet.setName(domainName); //domainName is String value of your domain
        resourceRecordSet.setType(RRType.A); //type of ResourceRecordSet
        resourceRecordSet.setTTL(new Long(300));
        resourceRecordSet.setWeight(new Long(0));

        // Create a change
        Change change = new Change(ChangeAction.CREATE, resourceRecordSet);
        List<Change> changesList = new ArrayList<Change>();

        // Create a change batch
        ChangeBatch changeBatch = new ChangeBatch(changesList);

        // Create ChangeResourceRecordSetRequest.
        ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest request = new ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest(hostedZoneID, changeBatch); //hostedZoneId is variable that is the id of HostedZone

        // Send the request and get the response.
        ChangeResourceRecordSetsResult result = amazonRoute53Client.changeResourceRecordSets(request);

        // Print the result

hostedzoneId = " hosted zone id from the route53 " aliasTargetHostedzoneId = " zone id of the connected resource such as loadbalancer, cloudfront etc.. " hostedzoneId = “来自 route53 的托管区域 ID ” aliasTargetHostedzoneId = “连接资源的区域 ID,例如负载均衡器、云端等。

Route53Client route53Client = Route53Client.builder()

    AliasTarget aliasTarget = AliasTarget.builder()

    // Create a ResourceRecordSet
    ResourceRecordSet resourceRecordSet = ResourceRecordSet.builder()

    // Create a change
    Change change = Change.builder()

    List<Change> changesList = new ArrayList<Change>();

    // Create a change batch
    ChangeBatch changeBatch = ChangeBatch.builder()

    // Create ChangeResourceRecordSetRequest.
    ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest request = ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest.builder()

    // Send the request and get the response.
    ChangeResourceRecordSetsResponse result = route53Client.changeResourceRecordSets(request);


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