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[英]How load data in datagrid in WPF Application

In WinForms i do this: 在WinForms中,我这样做:

var fromtable = from a in Table1 select a;
DataGridView.DataSource = fromtable;

And i see data. 而且我看到数据。 How make same in wpf application? 如何在WPF应用程序相同?

If i do like this: 如果我这样做:

Museum_TrueEntities me = new Museum_TrueEntities();
 var test = from a in me.Authors select a;
 dataGrid1.ItemsSource = test;

In result DataGrid is empty. 结果DataGrid为空。


mydatagrid.ItemSource = mydatatable.DefaultView

dont forget to set AutogenerateColumns=true in your datagrid. 不要忘记在数据网格中设置AutogenerateColumns = true。

if you create the columns by your self post some xaml and set the correct binding. 如果您通过自己创建列,则发布一些xaml并设置正确的绑定。

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