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[英]wxWidgets multiline in wxlistctrl header

I'm trying to insert a Multiline text in the wxlistctrl header under Ms Windows. 我正在尝试在Windows下的wxlistctrl标头中插入多行文本。

The wxWidgets library does not natively support the multiline text, so i tried to use istrunction like: wxWidgets库本身不支持多行文本,因此我尝试使用istrunction,例如:

HWND listView = (HWND)(m_listCtrl->GetHWND()); HWND listView =(HWND)(m_listCtrl-> GetHWND()); HWND header = ListView_GetHeader(listView); HWND标头= ListView_GetHeader(listView);

in a way to access to the header, but i don't find how to change the header height. 以某种方式访问​​标题,但我找不到如何更改标题高度。

Can someone help me ? 有人能帮我吗 ?

Thanks in advance, Francesco. 在此先感谢Francesco。

As far as I remember, there is no way to do this. 据我所记得,没有办法做到这一点。 You can take a look at wxAdvTable - it is a grid which allows creation of multi-line and multi-level headers for grid. 您可以看一下wxAdvTable-它是一个网格,允许为网格创建多行和多级标题。

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