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[英]Limit results on an GROUP_CONCAT() or INNER JOIN

I've perused extensively the other threads talking about limits on group_concat() and inner joins but haven't found my answer, so I guess I'll go ahead and ask it: 我已经广泛地阅读了其他关于group_concat()和内部联接的限制的线程但是没有找到我的答案,所以我想我会继续问它:

I'm developing an existing photo community site. 我正在开发一个现有的照片社区网站。 I want to retrieve members who have their birthday on a given day (today) and then retrieve each member's 5 most highly rated photos. 我想检索在某一天(今天)过生日的会员,然后检索每个会员的5张评价最高的照片。 But I also only want the 10 "most favorite" birthday members (ie with the highest favorite count). 但我也只想要10个“最喜欢的”生日会员(即最喜欢的人数)。 Here's what I have: 这就是我所拥有的:

SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, 
                    ORDER BY photos.average_rate) as photo_ids
FROM users 
INNER JOIN photos ON photos.user_id=users.user_id
WHERE users.day_of_birth = DATE_FORMAT('2012-04-17', '%m-%d') 
  AND users.photo_count>0 
GROUP BY users.user_id
ORDER BY users.favorite_count DESC, users.photo_count DESC LIMIT 0,10

This does what I want, EXCEPT that I cannot limit the amount of photo_id s to 5. This is a problem since the output will be sent as JSON to the app, and some members have uploaded upwards of 20,000 photos already, leading to an unacceptably long output string. 这是我想要的,除了我不能将photo_id的数量限制为5.这是一个问题,因为输出将作为JSON发送到应用程序,并且一些成员已经上传了超过20,000张照片,导致不可接受长输出字符串。 The only "solution" that seems to work for me is setting the sever variable group_concat_max_len to something reasonable that will hold at least 5 ids, but this is very hacky and unreliable. 似乎对我group_concat_max_len的唯一“解决方案”是将服务器变量group_concat_max_len设置为合理的,至少可以容纳5个ID,但这非常hacky且不可靠。 Is there any way to return exactly 5 photo_id s per user with a single query? 有没有办法通过一个查询返回每个用户5个photo_id Or will I need to do a loop in my PHP? 或者我需要在PHP中循环吗?

I don't necessarily need the photo_ids in a comma-separated value, I can also ditch the group_concat() approach entirely and do an inner join if that is more feasible. 我不一定需要以逗号分隔值的photo_id,我也可以完全抛弃group_concat()方法,如果更可行则进行内连接。 But even there I'm not aware of a way to limit the results to 5. 但即使在那里,我也没有意识到将结果限制为5的方法。

These advanced ones are what makes me love MySQL :) 这些先进的是让我爱MySQL的原因:)

SELECT user_id, user_name, 
    GROUP_CONCAT(CONVERT(photo_id, char(32)) ORDER BY photos.average_rate) as photo_ids
FROM (  SELECT user_id, user_name, photo_id, favorite_count, photo_count, 
            (case when @user_id = user_id then @rownum := @rownum + 1 else CONCAT(@rownum := 1, @user_id := user_id) end) AS dummy_val
        FROM (  SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.favorite_count, users.photo_count, photos.photo_id
                FROM users 
                INNER JOIN photos
                ON photos.user_id=users.user_id
                WHERE users.day_of_birth = DATE_FORMAT('2012-04-17', '%m-%d') 
                    AND users.photo_count > 0 
                ORDER BY users.id ASC, photos.average_rate ASC
             ) AS h, 
             (  @rownum := NULL, 
                @user_id := NULL
             ) AS vars
        HAVING rownum <= 5) AS h2
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY favorite_count DESC, photo_count DESC LIMIT 0, 10

Basicly I get all rows, and throw away all photos which are 6 or higher in calculated rownum. 基本上我得到所有行,并丢弃计算出的rownum中6或更高的所有照片。

SELECT u.user_id
     , u.user_name 
     , GROUP_CONCAT(p.photo_id ORDER BY p.average_rate) AS photo_ids
    ( SELECT user_id
           , user_name
           , favorite_count 
           , photo_count
      FROM users
      WHERE day_of_birth = DATE_FORMAT('2012-04-17', '%m-%d') 
        AND photo_count > 0 
      ORDER BY favorite_count DESC
             , photo_count DESC 
      LIMIT 10
    ) AS u
    photos AS p
      ON  p.user_id = u10.user_id
      AND p.average_rate >= 
          ( SELECT pp.average_rate 
            FROM photos AS pp
            WHERE pp.user_id = u10.user_id
            ORDER BY pp.average_rate DESC
            LIMIT 1 OFFSET 4
GROUP BY u.user_id
ORDER BY u.favorite_count DESC
       , u.photo_count DESC 

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