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从Ruby客户端访问Python XML-RPC服务

[英]Access Python XML-RPC Service from Ruby Client

I have a XMLRPC server running: 我有一个运行的XMLRPC服务器:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import subprocess
import os

def testls():
    retcode=subprocess.call(["ls", "/etc"])
    return retcode

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(('',8888),logRequests=True)



I need to be able to call it from a ruby client. 我需要能够从红宝石客户端调用它。 From what I have found. 从我所发现的。 it seems that it should be this: 似乎应该是这样的:

require xmlrpc/client
server = XMLRPC::Client.new2("")

But it returns the following, which suggests that it is not able to reach the service. 但是它返回以下内容,这表明它无法访问该服务。

=> #<XMLRPC::Client:0x2ab0f5caacf8 @parser=nil, @timeout=30, @path="/", @password=nil, @http_header_extra=nil, @use_ssl=false, @host="", @user=nil, @proxy_port=nil, @auth=nil, @cookie=nil, @create=nil, @port=8888, @http=#<Net::HTTP open=false>, @proxy_host=nil, @http_last_response=nil>

I had better success with the following, but I was not able to invoke the method: 我在以下方面取得了较好的成功,但是无法调用该方法:

irb(main):069:0> server = XMLRPC::Client::Proxy.new("","8888")
=> #<XMLRPC::Client::Proxy:0x2ab0f5c4ef48 @args=[], @server="", @meth=:call, @prefix="8888.">
irb(main):070:0> s = server.call('system.listMethods')
NoMethodError: undefined method `call' for "":String
        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:608:in `send'
        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:608:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):70
        from :0

What is the appropriate code to invoke a call from Ruby to a Python XML-RPC Server? 调用从Ruby到Python XML-RPC Server的调用的合适代码是什么?

I know this is a rather old question, but since it doesn't have a selected answer, I thought I'd share my insights: 我知道这是一个比较老的问题,但是由于没有选定的答案,我想分享一下我的见解:

In ruby, the class XMLRPC::Client represents a lower level interface to the server: 在ruby中,类XMLRPC::Client代表服务器的下层接口:

server = XMLRPC::Client.new( "", 8888 )
server.call 'system.listMethods'

The class XMLRPC::Client::Proxy is a higher level interface to (parts of) the server that allows for a more natural server method invocation: XMLRPC::Client::Proxy是服务器(部分)的高层接口,允许更自然的服务器方法调用:

system = server.proxy('system')

Similarly, to access the server's 'root' methods (like those registered via register_function in Python): 类似地,为了访问服务器的“根”的方法(如那些通过注册register_function在Python):

main = server.proxy

I'm not familiar with xmlrpc in Ruby, but I think you have to pass an XMLRPC::Client Object to XMLRPC::Client::Proxy. 我不熟悉Ruby中的xmlrpc,但我认为您必须将XMLRPC :: Client对象传递给XMLRPC :: Client :: Proxy。 Try stuff like this: 试试这样的东西:

client = XMLRPC::Client.new( "", 8888 )
server = XMLRPC::Client::Proxy.new( client, 8888 )
server.call "system.listMethods"

Maybe it works this way. 也许它是这样工作的。

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