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[英]How do I insert a model into a backbone.js collection in a specific index?

I need to insert a model into a Collection at position Collection.length-2. 我需要在Collection.length-2位置的Collection中插入一个模型。 The last model in the collection should always stay the last model in the collection. 集合中的最后一个模型应该始终保持集合中的最后一个模型。

What I tried so far: 到目前为止我尝试了什么:

I added one "page" model to the Collection "Pages" and then tried to swap them around by changing their sequence: 我在Collection“Pages”中添加了一个“页面”模型,然后尝试通过更改它们的顺序来交换它们:

var insertedpage = Pages.at(Pages.length-1);
var lastpage = Pages.at(Pages.length-2);
insertedpage.set({sequence: Pages.length-1});
lastpage.set({sequence: Pages.length});

I also tried to remove the last page, then add a new page and then add the last page back in. 我还尝试删除最后一页,然后添加一个新页面,然后重新添加最后一页。

var lastpage =  Pages.pop();
Pages.add({example1: example2});

neither of these worked. 这些都不起作用。 The newly added page still appears as last model in the Collection. 新添加的页面仍显示为Collection中的最后一个模型。 Do I need to call some kind of order function after this? 在此之后我需要调用某种订单功能吗?

Backbone.Collection.add() takes an options object that supports an at key for specifying the index. Backbone.Collection.add()接受一个options对象,该对象支持用于指定索引的at键。

Pass {at: index} to splice the model into the collection at the specified index . 传递{at: index}以将模型拼接到指定index处的集合中。

Example: 例:

Pages.add({ foo: bar }, { at: Pages.length - 2 })

Along the same suggestion as Rob Hruska, use Backbone.Collection.add() with at in the options object. 与Rob Hruska一样的建议atoptions对象中使用带有at Backbone.Collection.add()

Pages = new Backbone.Collection([
  {id:1, foo:'bar'},
  {id:2, foo:'barista'}  /* Last model should remain last */

/* Insert new "page" not at the end (default) but length minus 1 */
Pages.add({id:3, foo:'bartender'}, { at: Pages.length - 1 });

Pages.at(0).id === 1; // true
Pages.at(Pages.length - 2).id === 3; // true
Pages.at(Pages.length - 1).id === 2; // true

You mentioned that Pages seems to be sorted by the attribute sequence ; 您提到Pages似乎按属性sequence ; do you happen to have a comparator function defined on the Pages collection? 你碰巧在Pages集合上定义了comparator函数吗?

Another question, did you want to update this attribute sequence on ALL existing page models currently in the collection when a new page is added to the 2nd to the last position? 另一个问题是,当新页面添加到第二个位置时,是否要更新当前集合中所有现有页面模型的此属性sequence Or was that attribute an attempt to accomplish your original question? 或者那个属性试图完成你原来的问题?

Sorry for the brief answer (don't have time to respond), but look at defining a comparator function. 对不起,简单回答(没时间回复),但请看定义比较器功能。

http://backbonejs.org/#Collection-comparator http://backbonejs.org/#Collection-comparator

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