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[英]How to add a custom WCF-Protocol-Channel to existing Binding

Im trying to write my own WCF-Protocol-Channel with no specific functionality. 我试图编写没有特定功能的WCF-Protocol-Channel。
To this channel, I want to add some behaviors to lookup the SOAP-Message before processed by the webservice and after processing through the webservice. 在此通道中,我想添加一些行为以在由Web服务处理之前和通过Web服务处理之后查找SOAP-Message。
But I cannot find any hint how to add a custom channel to a default-binding like basicHttpBinding or something else. 但是我找不到任何提示如何将自定义通道添加到诸如basicHttpBinding之类的默认绑定中。

Background is, that I want to specify the order of processing the behaviors in the channelstack. 背景是,我想指定处理通道堆栈中行为的顺序。 Or to react to a SOAP-Message as soon as possible, if a damage was detected. 或在检测到损坏时尽快对SOAP消息做出反应。

Thanks for replying 感谢回复

you can only configure the channels order in a custom binding. 您只能在自定义绑定中配置渠道顺序。 regardless if you are in a situation that you need to control behaviors order this may hint on some complexity. 无论您是否处于需要控制行为顺序的情况下,这都可能暗示某些复杂性。 consider if message inspectors are not enough for you. 考虑消息检查器是否还不足以满足您的需求。

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