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MyBatis Spring3映射器与SoapClient为null

[英]MyBatis Spring3 Mapper null with SoapClient

I have a ServiceXX.java with XXXMapper.java injected with @Autowire. 我有一个带有XXMapper.java并带有@Autowire的ServiceXX.java。 The ServiceXXX.java is a webservice @WebService(endpointInterface ="com.xxx..."). ServiceXXX.java是一个Web服务@WebService(endpointInterface =“ com.xxx ...”)。 When call the webservice with my java client everything seems to be wired correctly OK, but if call the webservice by SoapClient the XXXMapper is null. 当使用我的Java客户端调用Web服务时,一切似乎都正确连接了,但是,如果通过SoapClient调用Web服务,则XXXMapper为空。 Why? 为什么? :( :(

It's likely due to the fact that the class declared as a @WebService is being instantiated by your webservice stack of your container (not spring) so the context doesn't know about it for autowiring. 可能是由于以下事实:声明为@WebService的类正在容器的Web服务堆栈(不是spring)实例化,因此上下文不知道用于自动装配。 To remedy this, you can make your service class extend SpringBeanAutowiringSupport . 为了解决这个问题,您可以使服务类扩展SpringBeanAutowiringSupport Then, spring will autowire it after it's initialized by the container. 然后,spring将在容器初始化之后自动对其进行接线。

That bean is in the spring-web module, by the way. 顺便说一下,那个bean在spring-web模块中。

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