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如何自动加载Zend Framework模块模型?

[英]How to autoload Zend Framework module models?

I am building a new CMS in Zend Framework and I don't have much exposure to ZF. 我正在Zend Framework中构建一个新的CMS,我没有太多接触ZF。 Client requires two sections called Admin and FE. 客户端需要两个名为Admin和FE的部分。 So, I have structured my application structure as follows. 所以,我已经构建了我的应用程序结构如下。

-- application
---- configs
---- layouts
---- modules
-------- default
------------ controllers
------------ forms
------------ models
------------ views
------------ Bootstrap.php
-------- admin
------------ controllers
------------ forms
------------ models
------------ views
------------ Bootstrap.php
---- Bootstrap.php
-- public
-- library
-- index.php

My structure is working fine and layouts and controllers are loading when I am accessing site like http://site or http://site/admin . 当我访问http:// sitehttp:// site / admin等网站时,我的结构工作正常,布局和控制器正在加载。

My question is 1.) How will I autoload my models in modules. 我的问题是1.)我将如何在模块中自动加载我的模型。 In the model specific bootstrap file I have added below code. 在模型特定的引导程序文件中,我添加了下面的代码。 But it is not working. 但它没有用。

class Admin_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap 
    protected function _initAutoload()
        $autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
            'basePath' => APPLICATION_PATH.'/modules/admin/',
            'namespace' => '',
            'resourceTypes' => array(
                'form' => array(
                    'path' => 'forms/',
                    'namespace' => 'Form_',
                'model' => array(
                    'path' => 'models/',
                    'namespace' => 'CPModel_'
        return $autoloader;

2.) How will I use different layouts for different module? 2.)我如何为不同的模块使用不同的布局?

Two questions here: 这里有两个问题:

  1. Autoloading models 自动加载模型
  2. Module-specific layout 特定于模块的布局

For autoloading models, first make sure that your module bootstrap class extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap . 对于自动加载模型,首先要确保模块引导类扩展Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap This will register a resource autoloader that includes a mapping so that a model class named Admin_Model_User can be stored in the file application/modules/admin/models/User.php (note the plural model* s * in the path name). 这将注册包含映射的资源自动加载器,以便名为Admin_Model_User的模型类可以存储在文件application/modules/admin/models/User.php (请注意路径名中的复数模型* s *)。 For the usage you describe above, it does not appear that you need to define any such mappings yourself. 对于上面描述的用法,您似乎不需要自己定义任何此类映射。

There is a bit of trickiness associated to the default module. 默认模块有一些棘手的问题。 IIRC, the default module uses the appnamespace, typically defaulting to Application_ . IIRC,默认模块使用appnamespace,通常默认为Application_ So, for example, a user model in the default module would be named Application_Model_User and stored in the file application/modules/default/models/User.php . 因此,例如,默认模块中的用户模型将命名为Application_Model_User并存储在文件application/modules/default/models/User.php [If that doesn't work, then try naming Default_Model_User ] [如果这不起作用,那么尝试命名Default_Model_User ]

[However, if you really insist on an empty appnamespace for your admin module and a prefix of CPModel for your models - as your example suggests - then some of this changes.] [但是,如果您真的坚持为您的管理模块设置一个空的appnamespace,并为您的模型添加CPModel的前缀 - 正如您的示例所示 - 那么其中一些会发生变化。

The upshot is that since most of these folders are not on the include_path, the system needs to be told at some point what class prefixes to associate/map with what directories. 结果是,由于大多数这些文件夹不在include_path上,因此需要在某个时候告诉系统将哪些类前缀与哪些目录关联/映射。

For module-specific layouts, typically I create a front-controller plugin that implements the preDispatch() hook. 对于特定于模块的布局,通常我会创建一个实现preDispatch()挂钩的前端控制器插件 If you keep your layouts at the top-level in application/layouts/scripts/ , then your plugin can look something like the following stored in application/plugins/Layout.php : 如果您将布局保留在application/layouts/scripts/的顶层,那么您的插件可能看起来像存储在application/plugins/Layout.php的以下application/plugins/Layout.php

class Application_Plugin_Layout extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract

    public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)

Register your plugin in your app-level Bootstrap , either via applications/config/application.ini : 通过applications/config/application.ini在您的应用级Bootstrap注册您的插件:

resources.frontController.plugin.layout = "Application_Plugin_Layout"

or in the app-level Bootstrap in application/Bootstrap.php : 或者在application/Bootstrap.php中的应用程序级Bootstrap中:

protected function _initPlugins()
    $front = $this->getResource('frontController');
    $front->registerPlugin(new Application_Plugin_Layout());

Then, for example, your admin layout could be stored in application/layouts/scripts/admin.phtml . 然后,例如,您的管理布局可以存储在application/layouts/scripts/admin.phtml

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